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  • Neurocognition and ­Action - Biomechanics

    © Universität Bielefeld

StD Dr. Dietmar Pollmann

Research Topics and Teaching

  • Mental representation of (basic) tactical skills
  • Structure and changes of mental representations in snowboarding/skiing
  • Motor development during childhood
  • Motor learning and coaching in school settings"
  • Research methodology
  • Motor testing
  • Practical courses: hockey, soccer, snowboarding, skiing

Functions and Memberships

  • Managing Director Bachelor Degree Programme: Psychology and Excercise
  • Managing Director Academic Master Degree Programme: Intelligence and Motion
  • Academinc Student Counselling Service Department of Sports Science
  • Academic staff representative Department of Sports Science
  • German Association of Sport Science (Deutsche Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft (dvs)

Scientific Awards and Honours

  • Dissertation Award (1st prize), Westfälisch-Lippische Universitätsgesellschaft

Curriculum Vitæ

since 2001 Studiendirektor im Hochschuldienst - Research Group Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics, University Bielefeld
1996-2000 Akademischer Oberrat - Working area Movement and Biomechanics, Bielefeld University
1992-1996 Akademischer Rat - Working area Movement and Biomechanics; Bielefeld University
1992 Doctorate in Philosophy (Dr. phil) Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science. Titel of the doctoral thesis:
Muskuläre Beanspruchung im Mikrozyklus des Krafttrainings - eine elektromyografische Analyse dynamischer und isometrischer Krafttrainingsformen
1986-1992 Research Assistant - working area Movement and Biomechanics (Prof. Dr. Dr. . Willimczik), Bielefeld University
1985 First State Examinations for the Teaching Profession Advanced Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Gymnasium' and 'Gesamtschule'); Courses: Biology, Sports Science, Educational Science
1980-1985 Study in Biology, Sports Science and Educational Science , Bielefeld University


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