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Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld


07.11.2024 | Introducing TOOL: Theory-Oriented Object Laboratory | Mini-Workshop | Organized by Lara Keuck and Lisa Regazzoni

07.11.24 (Thursday)| 14:15-15:45 | Room X A2-107

Organized by Lara Keuck and Lisa Regazzoni (Focus area: Materiality Between Past and Future)

What can we learn about theories, in particular theories of history and theories of medical knowledge, when studying objects? TOOL, the Theory Oriented Object Laboratory is a new venue and collaborative project to address this question from various historiographical and theoretical perspectives and through a diversity of material objects and collections. We cordially invite all interested to join our opening workshop and learn more about TOOL and possibilities to participate in the project and engage with theories through objects. 


14.15-14.25: Welcome and Introduction to TOOL 

14.25-14.35: Collections in the theory of history and the history of medicine and their use in TOOL

14.35-15.15: Speed Dating with Objects and TOOL researchers

15.15-15.45: Discussion and Coffe

If you like to attend, please register with Jovana Moldenhauer: jovana.moldenhauer@uni-bielefeld.de

Poster (PDF)

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