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  • Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine

    Colourful Letters
    © Universität Bielefeld


June, 18th, 2024

The end of a long journey into the heart of the heart

Julia, Manar, Leonie and Sven participated in the final retreat of the SFB 1002 at Schloss Waldeck.  We all had a great time with many scientific presentations and discussions. Sven gave a talk entitled title: "A big heart for peroxisomes - a big heart without", in which he presented our latest findings on the contribution of peroxisomes to cardiac metabolism and heart failure. The SFB closed after 12 very successful years – we had the opportunity to participate from year 5. Many thanks to the team and especially to Gerd Hasenfuß (second from left) for this great experience and the opportunity to be a part of this great network!

June, 3rd, 2024

Wandertag in den Tierpark Olderdissen.
A lab outing led the team to the Heimat-Tierpark Olderdissen. Between very friendly goats and surprisingly acrobatic bears we got a peek behind the scenes and some juicy gossip about the resident animals. We thank our lovely tour guide Vanessa from Zooschule Grünfuchs for the educational and fun experience!

June, 1st, 2024

Start PhD student Daniela Driftmeier we are thrilled to welcome Daniela Driftmeier to our team. As a PhD student, she will be doing research on the consequences of PEX10 mutations and treatment strategies based on viral vectors.

May, 27th, 2024

We are excited to announce that we are hosting two special visitors: Herbert Repkow and Benedikt Weiling. Thanks to a very generous donation from the Marlies and Herbert Repkow Foundation, we have been able to purchase a single molecule localization microscope! This incredible addition to our lab allows us and our cooperators in the university and in the clinics to perform super resolution microscopy and investigate biological processes that were previously invisible to us. Many thanks to the Repkow Foundation for their invaluable support!

May, 15 th - 16 th, 2024

Leonie and Julia participate in the International Symposium “Innovation in Heart Failure” by SFB1002 in Göttingen. They met with with colleagues and presented their amazing poster on peroxisome function in the heart.

April, 30th, 2024

Let´s Party!

In celebration, we're kicking off the BBQ season with a cozy after-work BBQ. It's a perfect opportunity for us to come together, enjoy good food, and create lasting memories. We are also very keen to experiment, because truly everyone is allowed to contribute to the music playlist.

April, 24th, 2024

Now we have to say goodbye to Isabel. The handover of the secretariat to Anika was a very smooth transition. Great job!

April, 1st, 2024

Welcome to our department BCMM, Anika and Simon!

We're excited to have you joining us. Let's make great things happen together.

Anika supports our team in management with all the experience she brings to the table and everyone is looking forward to her being the new point of contact for all the important questions.

And it is very exciting to introduce Simon, our newest Postdoc connecting with us and bringing an incredible expertise in microscopy and a vast range of knowledge in physics and we are convinced that this knowledge will drive our research even further.

March 31th, 2024

Far from Easter-Sunday or any normal working day, Sven had the outmost pleasure to be hosted by Einat Zalkvar. To add to the honor, he was the first official guest of the newly opened ZalckvarLab in Ramat Gan, the new home for peroxisome-fans, -nerds, and -addicts! Dear Einat, dear Tamar, dear Yeuda, thank you so much!


March 25th, 2024

Our 3D printer is working! We are making our own hot red western blot trays and other plastic ware. In the future, we print protein structures and more advanced stuff. Cool!

March 20th, 2024

Annual Research Day of the Medical Faculty EWL with now 250 participants. Britta and Daniela presented overviews of their PhD projects, as well as introductions into peroxisome and readthrough research, repectively. In the poster sessions, Leonie, Anne, Dennis, Julia and Matthias presented their research and more specific topics. The meeting closed with a get-together for more networking.

February 22th, 2024

Time for lab pictures! On January 30th, our group participated in a foto shoot and today we got the pictures, which turned out really nice. Now we can use professional pictures of our new lab!

February 20th, 2024

In February, two of our manuscripts have been accepted for publication! "Tissue-specific roles of peroxisomes revealed by expression meta-analysis" by Matthias, Leonie, Julia and Sven.
Today, "Systematic and quantitative analysis of stop codon readthrough in Rett syndrome nonsense mutations" has been accepted for publication. The paper is authored by Dennis, Julia and Sven in collaboration Göttingen MD students Lina and Adrian and with Rina Arbesfeld from Tel Aviv. Thanks to all contributors! Time for some refreshments.

December 7th 2023:

We celebrate our Christmas party in the R2 building. Lots of homemade treats, appropriate music and, of course, a Christmas tree! The annual highlight, however, was our notorious "Oddity Secret Santa".

September 4th 2023:

Group excursion! Canoeing in perfect weather from Bad Oyenhausen - 13 km to Porta Westfalica. Along the way, we mastered rapids, spotted a wide variety of birds and enjoyed the tranquility of nature. At the end of the day, we stopped off at Finca Barcelona for food and drinks.

August 7th to 10th 2023:

FINALLY! Our long-awaited and long-prepared for lab relocation to the newly opened R2 building on Morgenbreede 3. With the active support of everyone (and a moving company) the entire laboratory equipment went a few 100 meters from R1 to our new headquarters on 3rd floor of R2 within in three days. Come visit us in our pretty, fancy, modern just beautiful laboratory space!

September 22nd to 24th 2022:

Julia and Sven traveled to Aveiro, Portugal, to exchange ideas with the peroxisome community at the 8th Open European Peroxisome Meeting (OEPM). Julia presented on calcium in peroxisomes.

September 14th to 16th 2022:

Dennis, Anna and Sven attended the Molecular Basis of Life 2022 Conference in Düsseldorf. The GBM conference offers researchers a broad spectrum of scientific topics from the life sciences to network on: from synthetic biology and molecular cell biology to structural biology. Anna and Dennis presented posters on their PhD projects.

September 2nd 2022:

BCMM goes hiking! From Halle (Westfalen) a 20 km hike along the Hermannsweg back to Bielefeld. We passed many viewpoints in the Teutoburg Forest and thoroughly enjoyed the day out in nature. Eventually, we had a well-earned snack at Finca Barcelona.

May 9th to 12th 2022:

Matthias and Anne joined the EMBL symposium “Cellular mechanisms driven by phase separation” in Heidelberg during May 2022. The conference brought together scientists form cell biology to physics, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the field, to discuss condensates in biology and disease. 

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