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    © Markus Richter / Fakultät für Soziologie


23.04.2024 - Dr. Jule Adriaans gewinnt Peter A. Berger Preis der DGS-Sektion Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse

Jule Adriaans erhält für Ihre kumulative Dissertation "Distributive Justice: Definition, Determinants, and Consequences of the Justice of Earnings" den Peter A. Berger Preis 2024 der Sektion "Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. Die Preisverleihung findet im September 2024 im Rahmen der Herbsttagung der Sektion an der Universität zu Köln statt.

In Ihrer Arbeit entwickelt Jule Adriaans eine konzeptionelle und empirische Abgrenzung der Einkommensgerechtigkeit als strukturell-eingebettete, subjektive Bewertung, die zwischen Ungleichheiten und deren individuellen Folgen vermittelt. Die einzelnen Kapitel der Dissertationsschrift sind in European Societies, European Sociological Review, Social Psychology Quarterly und Social Justice Research erschienen.

Jule Adriaans ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der AG Sauer und forscht dort zur Legitimierung von ökonomischen Ungleichheiten.

25.03.2024 - Ausschreibung wiss. Hilfskraft mit BA Abschluss

Zum 1.5.2024 ist eine wissenschaftlich Hilfskraftstelle (d.h. mit BA-Abschluss) mit bis zu 10 Stunden/Woche im DFG-Projekt "ENHANCE" für zunächst 6 Monate zu besetzen (Verlängerung möglich). Nähere Infos finden Sie hier.

25.03.2024 - Call for Papers: "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Neuroenhancement: Current Developments and Impact on the Individual and Society" in Bielefeld

Conference Date: December 10-12, 2024

Location: Bielefeld University, Center for Interdisciplinary Research, ZiF), Bielefeld, Germany

Submission deadline: April 15th, 2024


o Dr. Sebastian Sattler (Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University, GER)

o Prof. Dr. Saskia Nagel (Department for Society, Technology, and Human Factors, RWTH Aachen University, GER)

o Dr. Dimitris Repantis (Department of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, Charité Berlin, GER)

o Prof. Dr. Guido Mehlkop (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences; Institute for Planetary Health Behaviour, University of Erfurt, GER)


Keynote speakers:

o Dr. Caterina Cinel (School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE), University of Essex, UK)

o Prof. Dr. Marcello Ienca (School of Medicine and Health, Technical University of Munich, GER)

o Prof. Dr. Ty Schepis (Department of Psychology, Texas State University, USA)

o Prof. Dr. Anna Wexler (Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, University of Pennsylvania, USA)


We are on the verge of many pioneering activities and scientific breakthroughs concerning brain-computer interfaces, brain stimulation, and neurochemicals, that have the potential to go beyond the treatment of diseases to enhance cognitive performance in work, education, and leisure. At the same time, societal processes such as the quest for self-optimization or transformations in and outside of the labor market (e.g., digitalization, increasing stress, and cognitive demands) may create the desire, but also the pressure, to use such neuroenhancement. These developments require the attention of an interdisciplinary dialog. The conference aims to unravel the inherent complexity of neuroenhancement by bringing together ethicists, sociologists, psychologists, engineers, pharmacologists, neuroscientists, political scientists, and legal scholars. By fostering interdisciplinary exchange, we aim to illuminate the multifaceted dimensions of neuroenhancement and facilitate future collaborations.

Information about abstract submission and further details:

Please submit your abstract via e-mail to: enhance.conference@uni-bielefeld.de

Please use the abstract style sheet on the conference homepage (LINK).

Conference homepage: Please click on this LINK.

Travel support: We will provide travel support.

12.03.2024 - New publication by Sebastian Sattler in Social Science & Medicine on a situational test of the Health Belief Model

Taflinger, S., Sattler, S. (2024): A Situational Test of the Health Belief Model: How Perceived Susceptibility Mediates the Effects of the Environment on Behavioral Intentions. Social Science & Medicine 346: 116715 [Link]

Objective: Existing evidence regarding the role of perceived susceptibility in shaping preventative health behavior is mixed for the Health Belief Model (HBM). To clarify whether and under which conditions perceived susceptibility affects preventative behavior, this study aims to better understand how situational environmental factors affect perceived susceptibility, thereby shaping health decisions, and whether this mediation relationship is conditioned by other HBM cognitions, namely perceived benefits and severity.
Methods: Therefore, we employed a scenario-based experiment in a large, representative sample of the German population (N = 4,802) in April 2022. Respondents were presented with a fictional invitation to a social gathering, which mimicked a post in a messenger group chat. The invitation included five experimentally manipulated scenarios: no COVID-19 preventative measure implemented, a COVID-19 test is required; either testing negative, being vaccinated, or being recovered from COVID-19 is required (known as 3G in the German context); reduced number of attendees; or the social gathering occurred outside. Moreover, perceived susceptibility to contract COVID-19 at the social gathering and perceived severity and benefits (independent of the scenario) were measured.
Results: We found evidence that perceived susceptibility mediates the relationship between each implemented preventative measure and willingness to attend the social gathering. The effect of the preventative measures on perceived susceptibility and the indirect effect of the preventative measure on attendance via perceived susceptibility were moderated by perceived benefits. However, there is lack of robust evidence that perceived severity moderates the effect of perceived susceptibility on attendance.
Conclusion: In summary, our study provides evidence that individuals perceive and adapt their perceptions and behavior to preventive measures in a given situation, which speaks to the dynamic nature of the cognition perceived susceptibility. Moreover, our findings suggest a promising avenue forward for the HBM is to examine how the cognitions and the environment together shape preventative health behavior.

11.03.2024 - Projektstart Infra4NextGen – Make it Digital

Seit dem 1. März 2024 läuft das vierjährige von der europäischen Kommission finanzierte Projekt „Infra4NextGen“. Im Rahmen des Projekts werden die im „NextGenerationEU“-Plan formulierten Ziele für die Zukunft Europas durch das European Social Survey European Infrastructure Consortium (ESS ERIC) sowie „Academic Experts“ zu den jeweiligen Zukunftszielen wissenschaftlich begleitet. Für die Universität Bielefeld beraten und forschen Anja-Kristin Abendroth und Lasse Marz von der Universität Bielefeld als Academic Experts zum Themenkomplex „Make it Digital“. 

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