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Oral defense - Predrag Pilipovic

We congratulate our BiGSEM/EPOC fellwo Predrag Pilipovic!
He successfully defended his thesis on "Statistical Inference for Stochastic Differential Equations using Slitting Schemes", November 14th 2024, at the Københavns Universitet.

Oral defense - Alexandre Carrier

We congratulate our BiGSEM fellow Alexandre Carrier!
He successfully defended his thesis on "Behavioral Expectations and Inequality Dynamics in Macroeconomics: Applications to Central Bank Asset Purchase Policies", October 9th 2024.

BGTS Events / Funding

Universität Bielefeld

Our traditional BiGSEM hike, spring 2024!
The starting point was Bielefeld University, past the TV tower and the final stop was the restaurant Pappelkrug.

Oral defense - Alessandro Basurto

On Wednesday, 10th of April 2024, Alessandro Basurto defended his dissertation at Universiteit van Amsterdam . The topic of the dissertation is: "Essays in learning, social influence and economic policy design". Congratulations!

Oral defense - Gerrit Bauch

On the February 8, 2024, Gerrit Bauch successfully defended his dissertation entitled From words of approach to words of departure: Essays on noisy communication and partnership dissolution under uncertainty.


BiGSEM Extends a Warm Welcome to Visiting Doctoral Student from the University of Genoa

Daniele Ravasi

In a testament to our commitment to fostering international academic collaborations, the Bielefeld Graduate School of Economics and Management (BiGSEM) is thrilled to extend a hearty welcome to Mr. Daniele Ravasi, a promising doctoral student hailing from the esteemed University of Genoa. We look forward to a productive and intellectually stimulating tenure for Mr. Ravasi during his stay at BiGSEM.

Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Daniele Ravasi, and stay tuned for exciting updates on the progress of his research and contributions to the academic discourse during his visit.

First BiGSEM Gaming Event!

Universität Bielefeld

In June BiGSEM members and other members of the faculty met for the first time to play social games. It was a nice evening!
To be continued...
Save the date: Next hiking tour: October 26!

Defense - Fabienne Lara Dascher Preising

Universität Bielefeld

We congratulate our BiGSEM fellow Fabienne Lara Dascher-Preising! She successfully defended her Thesis on “Essays on Dynamic Macroeconomics: Public Debt, Fiscal Sustainability and Endogenous Economic Growth" on June 27th 2023. Members of her examination board were Prof. Dr. Alfred Greiner, Prof. Dr. Christiane Clemens and Prof. Dr. Anna Zaharieva.

Defense - Annika Kemper

Universität Bielefeld

We congratulate our BiGSEM fellow Annika Kemper! She successfully defended her Thesis on “On Optimal Incentives for Renewable Investments and the Pricing of Electricity Swap Contracts" on May 25th 2023. Members of the examination board were Prof. Dr. Maren Diane Schmeck, Prof. René Aid and Prof. Dr. Frank Riedel.

Bielefeld Young Researchers Fund

A substantial part of the research at a university is carried out by young academics, these being doctoral candidates and postdocs. Twice a year, the Rectorate of Bielefeld University grants financial awards from the Bielefeld Young Researchers' Fund in order to support the work of young, highly qualified academics. The Bielefeld Young Researchers' Fund is committed to the following objectives:

I) Supporting bridge periods between academic career stages
II) Supporting the self-dependence of young academics
III) Promoting funding acquisition by young academics
IV) Recruiting young academics both domestically and abroad

Students preparing for their doctoral phase, doctoral candidates in their final phase and postdocs can apply for the different measures from the Bielefeld Young Researchers' Fund. For this purpose, the Bielefeld Young Researchers' Fund is separated into two different funding lines with a total of five different measures.

4. BiGSEM Hiking Tour

Universität Bielefeld

This spring BiGSEM members enjoyed the fourth hiking tour. Starting point was Bielefeld University and final stop was the Pappelkrug.

Open Science Magazine

The Leibniz Information Centre for Economics now offers every month an Open Science Magazine.
It invites you to discover science in the digital age.

Funding for a Marie Sklodowska-Curie training network associated with BiGSEM!

With about 4 million Euros the European Commission is funding the innovative training network "Economic Policy in Complex Environments (EPOC)" for the next four years. It is coordinated by Bielefeld University, partner universities are Universiteit van Amsterdam, Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona, Kobenhavns Universitet, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia.

15 doctoral fellows will participate in an innovative study programme, doing research at the two European universities and at the end obtain a double degree. Seven will study at Bielefeld University and become members of BiGSEM.

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