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BiGSEM Colloquium (Economics & Finance)

© Universität Bielefeld

BiGSEM-CUDE Colloquium (Economics & Finance)

BiGSEM/CUDE candidates (Profile Economics/Finance) are required to attend the BiGSEM-CUDE Colloquium (Economics/Finance) during the semester. Every doctoral candidate presents their own work or discusses relevant papers at least once a year. All interested people are invited to join. The sessions takes place each Tuesday at 12 pm in room U2-205.

Overview lecture:

Date Doctoral candidate Title     
15.04.2025 Jurek Preker  
22.04.2025 Marco Spengemann  
29.04..2025 Luoyan Gan  
06.05.2025 Bingbing Li  
13.05.2025 Tianyu Ma  
20.05.2025 Aaron Lohmann  
27.05.2025 Abbas Musa  
03.06.2025 Thi Ngoc My Nguyen  
10.06.2025 Benjamin Bitterlich  
17.06.2025 Anna Pajola  
24.06.2025 Robin Erdem  
01.07.2025 Tim Niklas Schütz  
15.07.2025 Josephine Fandrich  


22.10.2024  Vasundhara Thakur

"Predicting sanctions busting”

29.10.2024  Lucas Stahl

"Retirement decisions with wealth and pension heterogeneity: An Overlapping Generations approach"

05.11.2024  Fynn Louis Nährmann

"Optimal Social Media Feed Design"


19.11.2024  Maria Schäfer

Unlocking Opportunities: The Role of Social Capital and Regional Factors in Shaping Educational Choices in Germany

26.11.2024  Jonathan Klinge

Time changed Non-Life Insurance Portfolios

10.12.2024  Fiona Borsetzky

The Environmental Implications of Socioeconomic Disparity: An Agent-Based Model Featuring Endogenous Climate Policy

17.12.2024  19th BiGSEM Doctoral Workshop

07.01.2025  Osei Prince

Fat-tailed Distribution under the Smooth Ambiguity Model

14.01.2025  Fabian Fuchs

Existence and Uniqueness of Viscosity Solutions to Nonlinear Cauchy Problems

21.01.2025  Lars Müller

Crowding and Negative Effects of Subsidies on Public Transport

28.01.2024  Asimamaw Belete

The Geography of Job Search and the Quality of Matching


30.04.2024 Lars Müller

Welfare Effects of Unilateral Information Disclosure

07.05.2024 Fabian Fuchs

A comparison principle based on couplings of partial integro-differential operators


21.05.2024 Osei Prince

Fat Tails in Finace Under Model Uncertainty

28.05.2024 Asimamaw Belete

The Effect of Social Networks on Geography of Job Searching


11.06.2024 Luoyan Gan

Optimal Expansion Investment under Financial Constraint

18.06.2024 Bingbing Li

A Dynamic Model of Policy-advising Competition

25.06.2024 Tianyu Ma

Partnership Dissolution and Ambiguous Mechanism Design

02.07.2024 Anna Jacobs

Gravity of Attention and Affection: Evidence from Tweets during the World Cup

09.07.2024 Aaron Lohmann

Best Practices

24.10.2023 Anna Hager

Ignoring Valid Information

31.10.2023 Fynn Louis Närmann

Sequential Price Discrimination in Selling Information Goods

07.11.2023 Jurek Preker

Strategic News Selection, Ignoring Valid Information, and the Consequences for Welfare

14.11.2023 Miquel Bassart i Lore in room X-E0-001

Green innovation policies in complex landscapes: An Agent-Based approach

21.11.2023 Zhongli Wang

Heterogeneity and Market Share Dynamics: Insights from the Software Industry

28.11.2023 Daniele Ravasi

A dynamic growth model with education choice

05.12.2023 BiGSEM WS

19.12.2023 Alessandro Sgarabottolo

Risk measures based on weak optimal transport

09.01.2024 Xiaoge Dong

Willful Ignorance in Legal Contexts: A Mechanism Design Approach

16.01.2024 Mariya Afonina

The Impact of Minimum Wage on Inequality Within Germany's Regions

23.01.2024 Maria Schäfer

Unlocking Opportunities: Examining Regional Disparities in Social Capital and their Impact on Shaping Educational Choices in Germany

30.01.2024 Fiona Borsetzky

"The Environmental Implications of Socioeconomic Disparity: An Agent-Based Model Featuring Endogenous Climate Policy"


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