Die Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften unterstützt die Forschungsaktivitäten ihrer Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen durch ein Prämienprogramm für Publikationen in internationalen Fachzeitschriften. Teilnahmeberechtigt sind alle Promovierenden der Fakultät und an der Fakultät beschäftigte Promovierte, deren Promotion höchstens sechs Jahre zurückliegt.
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Publication Awards for Junior Scientists
EconLit Journale
JourQual Journale (Kategorie A, B und C)
Statistik/Ökonometrie Journale
Anne Mareike Flaswinkel, Februar 2025: J. Klostermann, A. M. Flaswinkel, C. Hydock, R. Decker (2025): The Effect of Company Size on Aggregate Word of Mouth Valence. Journal of Marketing.
Rouven Michels, Dezember 2024: R. Michels, M. Ötting, D. Karlis (2024): Extending the Dixon and Coles model: an application to women's football data. Journal of the Royal Statstical Society.
Jan-Ole Koslik und Rouven Michels, Dezember 2024: R. Michels, J-O. Koslik (2024): On the combination of data smoothing and Markov-switching models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Iss. 73, Vol. 3, 2024, Pages 557-560
Arne Henning Witteborg, Dezember 2024: A. H. Witteborg, R. Borgstedt, S. Rehberg, D. Wetzel, M. Römer (2024): Supporting ICU Admission Scheduling under Uncertainty. Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Mohsen Nafar, Dezember 2024: M. Nafar, M. Römer (2023): Using Clustering to Strengthen Decision Diagram Bounds for Discrete Optimization. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Iss. 38, Vol. 8, 2024, Pages 8082-8098.
Mohsen Nafar, Dezember 2024: M. Nafar, M. Römer (2024): Lookahead, Merge and Reduce for Compiling Relaxed Decision Diagrams for Optimization. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Vol. 14743, 2024, Pages 74-82.
Jakob Schulte, Dezember 2024: J. Schulte, D. Wetzel (2024): Two-phase matheuristic for assignment and truck loading problems. European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR).
Jakob Schulte, Dezember 2024: F. M. Gilbert, J. Schulte, A. Hottung, D. Wetzel, K. Tierney (2024). A Deep Learning Accelerated Heuristic for Truck Loading Optimization.
Benjamin Kwaw Owusu, Oktober 2024: A. Greiner, B. Bökemeier, B. Owusu (2024): Climate Change and Economic growth: Evidence for European Countries. American Journal of Economics and Sociology.
Lennart Oelschläger, Timo Adam und Rouven Michels, Juli 2024: L. Oelschläger, T. Adam, R. Michels (2024): fHMM: Hidden Markov Models for Financial Time Series in R. Journal of Statistical Software. Iss. 9, Vol. 109, 2024, Pages 1-25.
David Winkelmann und Frederik Tolkmitt, Juni 2024: D. Winkelmann, F. Tolkmitt, M. Ulrich, M. Römer (2024): Integrated Storage Assignment for an E-Grocery Fulfilment Centre: Accounting for Day-of-Week Demand Patterns. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal.
Melina Schleef und Dirk Kohlweyer, Juni 2024: H. Dawid, D. Kohlweyer, M. Schleef, C. Stummer (2024): The role of uncertainty for product announcement strategies: The case of autonomous vehicles. Journal of Institutional and Theorretical Economics.
Melina Schleef, Juni 2024: M. Schleef, S. Gless, C. Stummer (2024): Smart Wearables as Silent Witnesses: Privacy Concerns versus Possible Legal Advantages. Die Unternehmung. Iss. 78, Vol. 2, 2024, Pages 105-126.
Artur Dolgopolov, März 2024: A. Dolgopolov (2024): Reinforcement learning in a prisoner's dilemma. Games and Economic Behavior. Vol. 144, 2024, Pages 84-103.
Daniel Wetzel, März 2024: D. Wetzel, K. Tierney (2024): Rethinking cyclic structures in liner shipping networks. European Journal of Operational Research.
Sebastian Büscher, Februar 2024: S. Büscher, D. Bauer (2024): Weighting strategies for pairwise composite marginal likelihood estimation in case of unbalanced panels and unaccounted autoregressive structure of the erros. Transportation Research Part B. Vol. 181, 2024.
Marcus Biermann, Januar 2024: M. Biermann (2024): Remote Talks: Changes to Economics Seminars During COVID-19. European Economic Review.
Mohamed Souka und Markus Rump, Dezember 2023: M. Souka, M. Rump, M. Löffler, R. Decker (2023): Enhancing Internal Branding Outcomes through Customer Experience Management: New Empirical Insights from the Automotive Industry. Marketing ZFP-Journal of Research and Management. Iss. 45, Vol. 2, 2023, Pages 22-24.
Mohamed Souka, Dezember 2023: M. Souka, N. Bilstein. R. Decker (2023): Give Me Your Data and I'll Dress You: A Two-Sided Messaging Approach to Address Privacy Concerns Surrounding In-Store Technologies. Journal of Business Research. Iss. 172, 2024, Pages 114-396
Timo Adam und Rouven Michels, Dezember 2023: T. Adam, M. Ötting. R. Michels (2023): Markov-switching decision trees. AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis.
Rouven Michels, Dezember 2023: R. Michels, M. Ötting, R. Langrock (2023): Bettor's reaction to match dynamics: Evidence from in-game betting. European Journal of Operational Research. Iss. 3, Vo.l 310, 2023, Pages 1118-1127.
Xingang Wen, November 2023: W. Yu, X. Wen, N. Huberts, P. Kohrt (2023): Strategic investment under uncertainty: Why multi-option firms lose the preemption run. Journal of the Operational Research Society.
David Winkelmann, Oktober 2023: D. Winkelmann, M. Ötting, Ch. Deutscher, T. Makarewicz (2023): Are Betting Markets Inefficient? Evidence from Simulations and Real Data. Journal of Sports Economics.
Benjamin Owusu, September 2023: B. Owusu, B. Bökemeier. A. Greiner (2023): Regime-based debt sustainability analysis: Evidence from euro area economies. European Journal of Political Economy.
Marcus Biermann, Juni 2023: M Biermann, K. Huber (2023): Tracing the International Transmission of a Crisis Through Multinational Firms. Journal of Finance.
Marcus Biermann, Mai 2023: M. Biermann (2023): On the Gender Diversity of Research Teams in Economics Seminars. Journal AEA Papers and Proceedings. Vol. 113, Pages 473-476.
Xingang Wen, April 2023: S. Bigerna, V. Hagspiel, P. M. Kohrt, X. Wen (2023): How damaging are environmental policy targets in terms of welfare? European Journal of Operational Research.
Felix Dammann, April 2023: F. Dammann, G. Ferrari (2023): Optimal Execution with Multiplicative Price Impact and Incomplete Information on the Return. Finance and Stochastics.
André Hottung, Dezember 2022: A. Hottung, K. Tierney (2022): Neural large neighborhood search for routing problems. Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 313, 2022, Page 103786.
Pauline Sophie Boberg, November 2022: P. S. Boberg, J. Bövers, K. C. Bormann, Ch. Hoon (2022): Identity leadership in family businesses: The important role of nonfamily leaders. Journal of Family Business Strategy (JFBS).
Annika Kemper, August 2022: A. Kemper, M. D. Schmeck, A. Kh. Balci (2022): The Market Price of Risk for Delivery Periods: Pricing Swaps and Options in Electricity Markets. Energy Economics.
Benjamin Owusu, Juli 2022: B. Owusu, A. Greiner, B. Bökemeier (2022): Assessing non-linearities and heterogeneity in debt sustainability analysis: A panel spline approach. Empirical Economics.
Melina Schleef, Juli 2022: M. Schleef, T. Rademacher, Ch. Stummer (2022): The Spy Who Saves Me: Can Emergency Detection Capabilities in a Smart Home Environment Outweigh Data Usage Concerns?. Journal Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS).
Oliver Michler, Mai 2022: O. Michler, Ch. Stummer, R. Decker (2022): Can the GDPR Allay Privacy Concerns Towards Smart Products? The Effect of a Compliance Seal on Perceived Data Security, Trust, and Intention to Use. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
Marius Ötting, Mai 2022: M. Ötting, D. Karlis (2022): Football tracking data: a copula-based hidden Markov model for classification of tactics in football. Journal Annals of Operations Research.
Julian Hölzermann, April 2022: J. Hölzermann (2021): Term structure modeling under volatility uncertainty. Journal Mathematics and Financial Economics. Iss. 2, Vol. 16, (317-343)
Sina Gläser, März 2022: S. Gläser (2022): A Waste Collection Problem with Service Type Option. European Journal of Operational Research.
Sina Gläser, März 2022: S. Gläser, H. Jahnke, N. Strassheim (2021): Opportunities and challenges of crowd logistics on the last mile for courier, express and parcel service providers - a literature review. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications.
Felix Dammann, Februar 2022: F. Dammann, G. Ferrari (2021): On an Irreversible Investment Problem with Two-Factor Uncertainty. Quantitive Finance.
Julian Hölzermann, Dezember 2021: J. Hölzermann (2021): The Hull-White Model under Volatility Uncertainty. Quantitive Finance. Iss. 11, Vol. 21, 2021 (1921-1933)
Melina Schleef, Oktober 2021: I. Kaiser, M. Schleef, Ch. Stummer (2021): Wenn die digitale Transformation Entrepreneure schafft: Die Unternehmensgründung von appWash aus Miele. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis.
Jan Klostermann, Oktober 2021: J. Klostermann, Ch. Hydock, R. Decker (2021): The Effect of Corporate Political Advocacy on Brand Perception: An Event Study Analysis. Journal of Product and Brand Management.
Michelle Désirée Haurand, Oktober 2021: M. Haurand (2021): Looking Beyond Membership: A Simulation Study of Market Entry Strategies for Two-Sided Platforms under Competition. Journal CAIS.
Matthias Ulrich, August 2021: M. Ulrich, H. Jahnke, R. Langrock, R. Pesch, R. Senge (2021): Classification-based model selection in retail demand forecasting. International Journal of Forecasting.
Benjamin Owusu, August 2021: B. Owusu, A. Greiner (2021): Who is discriminated most in the EU? An analysis of the Covid-19 compensation fund. Applied Economics Letter.
Sina Mews und Marius Ötting, Juli 2021: S. Mews, M. Ötting (2021): Continuous-time state-space modelling of the hot hand in basketball. AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis.
Marius Ötting, Juni 2021: M. Ötting, A. Groll ((2021): A regularized hidden Markov model for analyzing the 'hot shoe' in football. Statistical Modelling.
Sina Gläser, Mai 2021: S. Gläser, M. Stücken (2021): Introduction of an underground waste container system - model and solution approaches. European Journal of Operational Research.
Sina Gläser, Januar 2021: S. Gläser, Ch. Ullrich (2020): Multi-resource balancing: A case of a German kitchen manufacturer. International Journal of Operational Research.
Marius Ötting und David Winkelmann, Januar 2021: D. Winkelmann, Ch. Deutscher, M. Ötting (2020): Bookmakers' mispricing of the disappeared home advantage in the German Bundesliga after the COVID-19 break. Applied Economics.
Daniel Wetzel, Dezember 2020: D. Wetzel, K. Tierney (2020): Integrating fleet deployment into liner shipping vessel repositioning. Transportation Research Part E; Logistics and Transportation Review.
Peter Pütz, Dezember 2020: P. Pütz, S. B. Bruns (2020): The (Non-)Significance of Reporting Errors in Economics: Evidence from Three Top Journals. Journal of Economic Surveys.
Stefan Kuhlemann, Dezember 2020: S. Kuhlemann, K. Tierney (2020): A Genetic Algorithm for Finding Realistic Sea Routes Considering the Weather. Journal of Heuristics. Vol. 26, 2020 (801-825)
Sabrina Backs, November 2020: K. Bormann, S. Backs, Ch. Hoon (2020): What makes nonfamily employees act as good stewards? Emotions and the moderating roles of stewardship culture and gender roles in family firms. Family Business Review.
Melina Schleef, November 2020: M. Schleef, N. Bilstein, Ch. Stummer (2020): "Shh!...I Got Help to Become Smart": Should Incumbent Firms Disclose Their Cooperation with a Startup? Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
Melina Schleef, November 2020: M. Schleef, J. Steinlechner, Ch. Strauss, Ch. Stummer (2020): Cooperation Between Performance and Innovation Engine: An Exploratory Study of Digital Innovation Labs in Family Business. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 12341, 2020 (249-259)
Jana Bövers, Oktober 2020: J. Bövers, Ch. Hoon (2020): The Role of History in Aligning Strategy and Identity in Family Businesses. Journal of Family Business Strategy.
Jana Bövers, Oktober 2020: J. Bövers, Ch. Hoon (2019): Unpacking Socio-emotional Wealth: Exploring the Origins of Affective Endowment in Founder Firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Iss. 40, Vol.1 , 2020 (32-53)
Ghislain Herman Demeze Jouatsa, Oktober 2020: G.H. Demeze Jouatsa (2020): A complete folk theorem for finitely repeated games. International Journal of Game Theory.
Benjamin Kwaw Owusu, Oktober 2020: B. Owusu, A. Greiner (2020): How to spend 750 billion euro? Applying sacrifice theory to determine Covid-19 compensations in the EU. Economics Bulletin 3.40 (2457-2470).
Fabienne Lara Dascher, September 2020: F. Dascher (2020): Sustainable Debt Policy Rules and Growth in a Small Open Economy Model: Is a balanced government budget worthwile? Comparative Economic Studies.
Philipp Harting, August 2020: Ph. Harting, D. Radi (2020): Residential Segregation: The Role of Inequality and Housing Subsidies. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
Marvin Klein und Lars Lüpke, August 2020: M. Klein, L. Lüpke, M. Günther (2020): Home charging and electric vehicle diffusion: Agent-based simulation using choice-based conjoint data. Transportation Research Part D.
Sabrina Backs und Lars Lüpke, August 2020: S. Backs, H. Jahnke, L. Lüpke, M. Stücken, Ch. Stummer (2020): Traditional versus fast fashion supply chains in the apparel industry: An agent-based simulation approach. Annals of Operations Research.
Benjamin Owusu, Mai 2020: B. Owusu (2020): Estimating Monetary Policy Reaction Functions: Comparision between European Central Bank and Swedish Central Bank. Journal of Economi Integration.
Matthias Ulrich, März 2020: M. Ulrich, H. Jahnke, R. Langrock, R. Pesch, R. Senge (2019): Distributional regression for demand forecasting in e-grocery. European Journal of Operations Research.
André Hottung, Januar 2020: A. Hottung, S. Tanaka, K. Tierney (2019): Deep Learning Assisted Heuristic Tree Search for the Container Pre-marshalling Problem. Computers & Operations Research. Vol. 113.
Kerstin Hötte, Januar 2020: K. Hötte (2019): How to accelerate green technology diffusion? Directed technological change in the presence of coevolving absorptive capacity. Energy Economics.
Sabrina Backs und Melina Schleef, November 2019: S. Backs, M. Schleef (2019): Geschäftsbausteine innovieren - aber wie? Entwicklung eines praxisorientierten Kategoriensystems zur Identifikation von Geschäftsmodellinnovationen: Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis.
Oliver Michler, November 2019: O. Michler, R. Decker, Ch. Stummer (2019): To trust or not to trust smart consumer products: A literature review of trust-building factors: Management Review Quarterly.
Marius Ötting, November 2019: M. Ötting, R. Langrock, Ch. Deutscher, V. Leos-Barajas (2019): The hot hand in professional darts. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A.
Michelle Désirée Haurand, Oktober 2019: M. D. Haurand, Ch. Stummer (2019): Evaluating Market Entry Strategies for Two-Sided Digital Platforms under Competition: A Simulation Approach. Proceeding of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
Sabrina Backs, Melina Schleef und Hauke Walter Buermann, September 2019: S. Backs, M. Schleef, H. Buermann (2019): Stand Up - It's all about the Team? The Composition of Entrepreneurial Teams in Entrepreneurship Education at a German University. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, Vol. 22 (4).
Timo Adam, Juni 2019: T. Adam, R. Langrock and Ch. Weiß (2019): Penalized estimation of flexible hidden Markow models for time series of counts. Metron.
Xingang Wen, Juni 2019: S. Bigerna, X. Wen, V. Hagspiel and P. Kort: Green Electricity Investments: Environmental Target and the Optimal Subsidy. European Journal of Operational Research.
Philipp Harting, April 2019: Ph. Harting (2019): Macroeconomic Stabilization and Long-Term Growth: The Role of Policy Design. Macoeconomic Dynamics.
Serhat Gezer, April 2019: S. Gezer (2019): Delaying Product Introduction: A Dynamic Analysis with Endogenous Time Horizon. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
Gishlain-Herman Demeze-Jouatsa, Februar 2019: G-H. Demeze-Jouatsa and A. Wilson: Comment on Smith's (1995) Perfect Finite Horizon Folk Theorem. Econometrica.
Philip Bergmann, Februar 2019: Ph. Bergmann (2019): Oil Price Shocks and GDP Growth: Do Energy Shares Amplify Causal Effects? Energy Economics.
Marius Ötting, Januar 2019: M. Ötting, R. Langrock and Ch. Deutscher (2018): Integrating multiple data sources in match-fixing warning systems. Statistical Modelling.
Daniel Böger, Mohamed Souka und Alisa M. Wiemann, Januar 2019: M. Souka, D. Böger, R. Decker, Ch. Stummer and A. Wiemann (2018): Is more automation always better? An empirical study of customers' willingness to use autonomous vehicle functions. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management.
Timo Adam und Sina Mews, Oktober 2018: R. Langrock, T. Adam, V. Leos-Barajas, S. Mews, D. L. Miller and Y. P. Papastamatiou (2018): Spline-based nonparametric inference in general state-switching models; Statistica Neerlandica 72(3): 179-200.
Marius Ötting, Oktober 2018: Ch. Deutscher, M. Ötting, S. Schneemann and H. Scholten (2018): The Demand for English Premier League Soccer Betting; Journal of Sports Economics
Marius Ötting, Oktober 2018: Ch. Deutscher, B. Frick and M. Ötting (2018): Betting market inefficiencies are short-lived in German professional football; Applied Economics 50 (30): 3240-3246.
Daniel Böger und Jan Klostermann, September 2018: D. Böger and J. Klostermann (2018): Extracting Brand Information from Social Networks - Integrating Image, Text, and Social Tagging Data IJRM. International Journal of Research in Marketing.
Philipp Harting, September 2018: P. Harting, H. Dawid and S. van der Hoog (2018): Manager Remuneration, Share Buybacks and Firm Performance. Industrial and Corporate Change.
Bettina Bökemeier, Juli 2018: B. Bökemeier and A. Stoian (2018): Debt Sustainability Issues in Central and East European Countries. Estern European Economics.
Maria Kaldewei, Juni 2018: M. Kaldewei and C. Stummer (2018): Der Einfluss der Produktintelligenz auf den Konsumentennutzen und die Produktnutzung. Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung.
Michelle D. Haurand, Juni 2018: M. D. Haurand and C. Stummer (2018): The early-stage development of two-sided digital platforms: A simulation
approach. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2018).
Sabrina Backs, Juni 2018: S. Backs, M. Günther and C. Stummer (2018): Stimulating acadmic patenting in a university ecosystem: An agent-based simulation aproach. Journal of Technology Transfer.
Daniel Böger, April 2018: D. Böger (2018): Parent Brands' Influence on Co-Brand's Perception: A Model-Based Approach. Journal of Product & Brand Management.
Philipp Harting, März 2018: P. Harting (2018): Cohesion Policy and Inequality Dynamics: Insights from a Heterogeneous Agents Macroeconomic Model. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.
Anja Plumeyer and Daniel Böger, Marz 2018: A. Plumeyer and D. Böger (2017): Measuring brand image: a systematic review, practical guidance and future research directions. Review of Managerial Science.
Bettina Bökemeier, Januar 2018: B. Bökemeier (2018): Fiscal Sustainability: Does EU Membership change Policy Behavior. Empirical Evidence from central and Eastern Europe. European Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 14(2).
Michelle D. Haurand, Oktober 2017: M. D. Haurand and C. Stummer (2017): Stakes or garlic? Studying the emergence of dominant designs through an agent-based model o a vampire economy. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 26 (2), 373-394
Philipp Harting, Oktober 2017: P. Harting, H. Dawid, S. van der Hoog and M. Neugar (2017)t: Macroeconomics with Heterogeneous Agent Models - Fostering Transparency, Reproducibility and Replication. Journal of Evolutionary Economics.
Anja Plumeyer, Oktober 2017: A. Plumeyer, P. Kottemann and R. Decker (2017): Investigating Feedback Effects in the Field of Brand Extension Using Brand Concept Maps. Baltic Journal of Management.
Jennifer Pohle, August 2017: J. Pohle, R. Langrock, F. M. van Beest, N. M. Schmidt (2017): Selecting the Number of States in Hidden Markow Models - Pragmatic Solutions Illustrated Using Animal Movement. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics.
Daniel Böger and Pascal Kottemann, Juni 2017: D. Böger and P. Kottemann (2017): A mechanism for aggregating association network data: An application to brand concept maps.Journal of Business Research.
Timo Adam, Mai 2017: T. Adam (2017): Multi-Sale modeling of animal movement and general behavior data using hidden Markov models with hierarchial structures. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics.
Phillip Harting, Mai 2017: P. Harting (2017): Fiscal Transfers and Regional Growth. Review of International Economics. Acctepted 2017-04-7.
Michelle Désirée Haurand, Mai 2017: M. Meißner, M. D. Haurand and C. Stummer (2017): With a little help from my customers: The influence of customer empowerment on consumers' perceptions of well-established brands. International Journal of Innovation Management, 21 (6), 1750048 (28 Seiten)
Michael Günther, Januar 2017: M. Günther (2017): International enviromental agreements for local an global pullution. Journal of Environmental Economics an Management, Vol. 81, 2017, 38-58.
Wilhelm Klat, Februar 2016: H. Dawid, R. Decker, T. Hermann, H. Jahnke, W. Klat, R. König and C. Stummer (2017): Management Science in the Era of Smart Consumer Products: Challenges and Research Perspectives. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 25 (1), 203-230.
Bettina Bökemeier, Februar 2016: B. Bökemeier (2015): Economic Growth and the Public Deficit in EU Member States in Central and Eastern Europe. Romanian Journal of Fiscal Policy, Vol. 6, 1(10), 49-55.
Tobias Hellmann, Dezember 2015: T. Hellmann (2015): A Dynamic Extension of the Foster-Hart Measure of Riskiness, Journal of Mathematical Economics. Vol. 59, 66-70.
Bettina Fincke, Juli 2015: B. Fincke and M. Wolski (2015): Are European fiscal rules that bad? Discretionary fiscal policies in New Member States, Empirical Economics. DOI: 10.1007/s00181-015-1006-z.
Pascal Kottemann, März 2015: P. Kottemann, M. Meißner, S. Scholz and R. Decker (2015): The Benefits of Computer-Based Concept Mapping, Schmalenbach Business Review, 67(4), 430-453.
Bettina Fincke, Januar 2015: B. Fincke and A. Greiner (2015): Public Debt and Economic Growth in Emerging Market Economies. South African Journal of Economics, 83(3), 357-370.
Sabrina Backs, Dezember 2014: S. Backs and C. Stummer (2015): Akademische Patente und ihre Auswirkungen auf Forschung, Lehre und Administration. Management Review Quarterly (Journal für Betriebswirtschaft), 65 (1), 35-68.
Nikolai Brandt, Oktober 2014: N. Brandt, B. Drees, F. Várdy and B. Eckwert (2014): Information and the Dispersion of Posterior Expectations. Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 154, 604-611.
Nina Westerheide, August 2014: N. Westerheide (2014): Unemployed in Germany: Factors Influencing the Risk of Losing the Job. Research in World Economy, 2(5), 43-55.
Philipp Harting, Juni 2014: P. Harting (2014): Economic Convergence: Policy Implications from a heterogeneous Agent Model. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. Vol. 44, 54-80.
Arne Mensendiek, März 2014: A. Mensendiek and R. Mitri (2014): Contracting a Development Supplier in the Face of a Cost-Competitive Second Source of Supply. Transactions on Engineering Management. 61(3), 438-449.
Michael Grothe, Januar 2014: B. Brand and M. Grothe (2013): A Note on `Corporate Social Responsibility and Marketing Channel Coordination`. Research in Economics. 67(4), 324–327.
Tobias Hellmann, Dezember 2013: T. Hellmann (2013): An Operational Measure of Riskiness for General Gambles. Theoretical Economics.
Thomas Loy, September 2013: T. Loy (2013): An Audit is an Audit? Evidence from the German Private Firm Sector. Die Betriebswirtschaft. 73(4), 325-353.
Christian Schellhase, September 2013: G. Kauermann and C. Schellhase (2013): Flexible Pair-Copula Estimation in D-vines using Bivariate Penalized Splines. Statistics and Computing 24(6), 1081-1100.
Christian Schellhase, April 2013: G. Kauermann, C. Schellhase and D. Ruppert (2013): Flexible Copula Density Estimation with Penalized Hierachical B-Splines. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 40 (4), 685-703.
Ali Kashefi, Februar 2013: A New Framework for Learning Approaches towards Social Evolution of Organisations. Advances in Management and Applied Economics.
Anton Bondarev, Oktober 2013: A. Bondarev (2013): Endogenous Specialization of Heterogeneous Innovative Activities of Firms under the Technological Spillovers. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. Vol. 38, 235-249.
Anna Zaharieva, September 2013: A. Zaharieva (2013): Social Welfare and Wage Inequality in Search Equilibrium with Personal Contacts. Labour Economics. Vol. 23, 107-121.
Christian Ullrich, Dezember 2012: C. Ullrich (2013): Integrated machine scheduling and vehicle routing with time windows. European Journal of Operational Research.
C. Ullrich (2013): Supply chain scheduling: makespan reduction potential. International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications. Vol. 15, Issue 5, 323-336.
Christian Schellhase, November 2012: Schellhase, C. and Kauermann, G. (2012): Density Estimation and Comparison with a Penalized Mixture Approach.
Computational Statistics 27(4), 757-777.
Mohammad Ali Kashefi, Oktober 2012: M. Kashefi (2012): The Effect of Salvage Market on Strategic Technology Choice and Capacitiy Investment Decision of Firm under Demand Uncertainty. Journal of Business Economics and Management.
Anton Bondarev, Juni 2012: A. Bondarev (2012): The long-run dynamics of product and process innovations for a multi-product monopolist. Economics of Innovation and New Technology 21(8), 775-799.
Nina Westerheide, April 2012: G. Kauermann and N. Westerheide (2012): To move or not to move to find a new job - Spatial Duration Time Model with Dynamic Covariate Effects. Journal of Applied Statistics 39(5), 995-1009.
G. Kauermann und N. Westerheide (2012): Flexible Modelling of Duration of Unemployment Using Functional Hazard Models and Penalized Splines: A Case Study Comparing Germany and the UK. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 16(1), Article 5.