Prof. Dr. Peter Limbach
11.03.2025 The Master's and Bachelor's exam reviews planned for tomorrow (12.03.2025) have been canceled due to the public transport strike. A new date will be communicated soon via email.
20.08.2024 Lukas Gattwinkel and Sinem Güldiken came second in the final of the "Applied Equity Research" master’s seminar. As a result, Bielefeld University will receive funding of 3,600 euros in the form of two scholarships next year.
12.07.2024 Prof. Limbach’s paper “Does Speculative News Hurt Productivity? Evidence from Takeover Rumors” just got accepted at the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, a FT-50 journal and one of the top-5 finance journals worldwide.
01.06.2024 Daniel Alayou joins the team as research assistant.
01.04.2024 Noah Starke joins the team as research assistant.
20.03.2024 The Quality Fund of the University of Bielefeld funds the new elective module on corporate sustainability, which will start in the winter semester of 2024/2025.
15.11.2023 Bernd-Christian Balz, former CEO of Deutsche Bank Bielefeld, will give a talk about the Demise of Credit Suisse as part of the course Financial Markets and Institutions. You are cordially invited to join. 10.15h, Hörsaal 3.
14.11.2023 We are hiring! Two vacant PhD positions.
08.07.2023 Prof. Limbach’s paper „The Decline of Trust Across the U.S. Finance Industry“ got accepted for publication in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
19.12.2022 Bernd-Christian Balz, former CEO of Deutsche Bank Bielefeld, will give a talk about banks and bank regulation as part of the course Financial Markets and Institutions. You are cordially invited to join. 10.15h, Hörsaal 2.
26.10.2022 Podcast Episode 42 (Trauma and Investing, of the CFA Society United Kingdom covers Peter Limbach’s study “Till Death (or Divorce) Do Us Part: Early-life Family Disruption and Investment Behavior”
11.11.2022 Peter Limbach’s working paper „Does Speculative News Hurt Productivity? Evidence from Takeover Rumors” wins best paper award at the 2022 BFGA Conference organized by the University of Gießen.
15.06.2022 Prof. Limbach’s paper „Trust and Monitoring“ got accepted for publication in the Journal of Banking and Finance.
05.05.2022 Peter Limbach´s paper "Do Speculative News Hurt Productivity? Evidence from Takeover Rumors" accepted for presentation at the 2022 annual meeting of the European Finance Association (EFA), one of the top-3 finance research conferences worldwide.
09.02.2022 Peter Limbach starts as co-editor of Management Review Quarterly.
17.01.2022 Practitioner presentation “Bertelsmann M&A Playbook” by Mr. Jörn Caumanns (Executive Vice President M&A Bertelsmann and CFO Bertelsmann Investments). Time: 9-10.45h. Will be held via Zoom (link via email). Everyone is welcome to attend.
01.01.2022 Casimir Carl joins the team as research assistant.
08.11.2021 Prof. Limbach’s paper „The Supply and Effectiveness of Investor Relations in Insider- vs. Outsider-Oriented Markets“ got accepted for publication in the top-tier journal Management Science.
01.10.2021 Corinna Hesse joins the team as research assistant.
18.08.2021 For the second time, the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance features a blog post about one of Prof. Limbach's research papers: The paper "CEO Tenure and Firm Value" is forthcoming in the top-tier journal The Accounting Review.
01.06.2021 Niklas Eberstadt joins the team as research assistant.
15.05.2021 Prof. Dr. Peter Limbach takes over the newly founded professorship of finance and corporate governance.