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Open Science

© Universität Bielefeld

Open Science

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Prof. Dr. Christiane Fuchs

Room V9 - 132
Phone +49 521 106-2576
Email christiane.fuchs@uni-bielefeld.de


Nicole Schüler

Room U9 - 148
Phone +49 521 106-6913
Email sek-emp-methoden@uni-bielefeld.de


If you are interested in a position as postdoctoral researcher, doctoral student or student assistant, please contact us!

Our group identifies with and promotes the values of open and reproducible research. We strive towards best practices and open code, FAIR data, open access, and open materials.

What we are already doing:

  • We host our code on GitHub or publish it with the papers.
  • 100% of our papers are available open access*.
  • We publish negative findings.
  • Several of us are members of the Open Science Network at Bielefeld University and the LMU Open Science Center.

* with respect to all publications (as of October 2nd, 2024) within the last five years (i.e. since 2019) with us being first or last/lead author; includes green, bronze and golden OA



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