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Michael Balzer (M.Sc.)

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld
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Prof. Dr. Christiane Fuchs

Room V9 - 132
Phone +49 521 106-2576
Email christiane.fuchs@uni-bielefeld.de


Angelika Gerent

Room V9 - 138
Phone +49 521 106-6930
Email agerent@uni-bielefeld.de


If you are interested in a position as postdoctoral researcher, doctoral student or student assistant, please contact us!

Michael Balzer (M.Sc.)

source: M. Balzer

Research Assistant

Room: V10-102
Phone: +49 521 106-4907
Email: michael.balzer@uni-bielefeld.de

Research Interests

- Distributional Regression
- Statistical Learning Methods
- Bayesian Inference


- Coping with Uncertainty in Dynamic Economies


- M.Sc. in Applied Statistics, University of Göttingen (2023)
- B.Sc. in Business Administration, University of Siegen (2021)

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