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Economic Theory and Computational Economics (ETACE)

Prof. Dr. Herbert Dawid

Winter Term 2024-2025


310402 Industrieökonomik

310408 Übung zur Industrieökonomik

310767 Bachelorkolloquium



312001 Innovationsökonomik (Economics of Innovation)

312005 Differential Games in Economics & Management Sciences

312013 Praktische Übung "Plattformwettbewerb und Marktdynamik"

312099 Ökonomische Analyse des Rechts I "Eigentumsrecht" / Economic Analysis of Law I "Property Rights"

312240 Bounded Rationality: From Experiments to Complexity

319989 Modern Economics

311599 Reading Group "Empirical Industrial Organization"

319014 Macroeconomics 1a

319017 Macroeconomics 1b

319019 Tutorium Macroeconomics 1a+b

312855 Masterseminar "Effects of Digitalization and Automation on Labor and Product Markets"

312905 BiGSEM/CUDE Colloquium

312919 Masterkolloquium "Computational Economics"

317303 Economics Seminar 


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