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  • Economic Theory and Computational Economics (ETACE)

    Prof. Dr. Herbert Dawid

    © Universität Bielefeld

Etace News

Plenary Talk


On June 20, 2024 Herbert Dawid will give a plenary talk at the 30th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance on "The Effect of Algorithmic Decision Making in Markets".

Keynote Talk


Herbert Dawid will give a keynote talk on 'The quest for unified behavioral rules in (macro-economic) agent-based models' at the IIASA-MacroABM Workshop held at the International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA) in Laxenburg on April 18 and 19.

New Journal Publication


Dawid H, Di X, Kort PM, Muehlheusser G (2024), "Autonomous vehicles policy and safety investment: An equilibrium analysis with endogenous demand", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 182: 102908.

Keynote Presentations


Herbert Dawid has given two keynote talks at the Graz Schumpeter Winter School on Agent Based Economics the first on "Agent-based analysis of the effect of algorithmic decision making in markets" and the second on "Digital Product Innovation and Global Value Chains: an Agent-Based Analysis".



Long-time ETACE member Philipp Harting has been appointed as full professor for "Economics of Innovation and Artificial Intelligence" at the University of Cote d'Azur in Nice. Congratulations!


Conference Presentation


Herbert Dawid has given an invited talk on "Deep Q-learning of Wage Offers on Online Labor Platforms: The Effect of Algorithm Design" at the Workshop CeNDEF@25 in Amsterdam celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance at the University of Amsterdam

New Journal Paper


Colombo, L., Dawid, H and P. Harting (2023), "R&D location in dynamic industry environments", published online first in the Journal of Economic Geography.

Plenary Talk


Herbert Dawid will give a plenary talk on "Economic Effects of Aritifical Intelligence: a Case for Agent-based Simultations" at the 26th Annual Workshop on Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents (WEHIA 2023) on June 23. Also Tomasz Makarewicz ("Trend and buybacks. Model of behavioral price expectations with endogenous firm productivity") and Miquel-Bassart-i-Lore ("Green innovation policy in complex landscapes: an agent-based approach") will give research presentations at WEHIA 2023.

New Article


Makarewicz, T. (2023), Upadek SVB, banku Doliny Krzemowej. Jak do tego doszło i czy powtórzy się kryzys z 2008? [ANALIZA]

Research Presentation


On February 4, 2023 Herbert Dawid will give a talk on "Implications of Algorithmic Wage Setting on Online Labor Platforms: A Simulation-Based Analysis" at the Workshop on Computational and Experimental Economics in Memory of Jasmina Arifovic at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. Herbert Dawid is also co-organizer of the workshop.

Research Presentation


Herbert Dawid will give a talk on 'Digital Product Innovation and Global Value Chains: An Agent-Based Analysis'  on January 23, 2023 at the University of Klagenfurt.

New Project


The Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) has granted a new joint research project with the Energy Systems Analysis group of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The EWaGI project aims at studying sectoral and macroeconomic implications of the energy transition, thereby focusing on heterogeneous firm behavior in response to rising energy prices. The three-year project starts in December 2022. Principle investigator is Philipp Harting.

Conference Presentation


Herbert Dawid has given at talk on "A market-based analysis of connected and automated vehicles in mixed traffic: Implications of liability and infrastructure for road safety" at the workshop New Research Development on Autonomous Vehicles at the Center for Unframed Thinking at the Rennes School of Business.

New Journal Paper Accepted


Dawid, H. and M. Neugart (2022), 'Effects of Technological Change and Automation on Industry Structure and (Wage-)Inequality: Insights from a Dynamic Task-Based Model', forthcoming in Journal of Evolutionary Economics

Research Presentation


Herbert Dawid gave a talk on "Implications of Algorithmic Wage Setting on Online Labor Platforms: A Simulation-Based Analysis" in the Research Seminar Series of the Grenabole Applied Economics Lab.

Research Talk


Philipp Harting gave a research talk on “Digital Product Innovation and Global Value Chains: an Agent-Based Analysis” at the abm4policy workshop jointly organized by the Bank of England and the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa, Italy)

New Journal Paper Accepted:


Basurto A., Dawid H., Harting P., Hepp J. and D.  Kohlweyer (2022), "How to design virus containment polices? A joint analysis of economic and epidemic dynamics under the COVID-19 pandemic", forthcoming in the Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination.


New Journal Paper Accepted:


Dawid, H., Mitkova, M. and A. Zaharieva (2022), "Optimal Promotions of Competing Firms in a Frictional Labour Market with Organizational Hierarchies", forthcoming in Journal of Economics and Management Strategy.


Conference Presentation


Herbert Dawid will give a talk on "Implications of Algorithmic Wage Setting on Online Labor Platforms: A Simulation-Based Analysis" at the Annual Conference of the
Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE 2022), in South Lake Tahoe from August 8-11, 2022.


New Journal Papers Accepted:


Dawid, H., Keoula, M.Y., Kopel, M. and P.M. Kort (2022), "Dynamic Investment Strategies and Leadership in Product Innovation", forthcoming in European Journal of Operational Research

‰Banas, L., Dawid, H., Randrianasolo, T.A., Storn, J. and X. Wen (2022), "Numerical approximation of a system of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations arising in innovation dynamics" forthcoming in Journal of Scientific Computing


Computational and Experimental Economics Summer School


Herbert Dawid is one of the organizers of the 1st BESLAB Computational and Experimental Economics Summer School held from June 12-19, 2022 in Barcelona as part of the Barcelona School of Economics (BSE) Summer Forum. The event includes a 2-day Workshop on Computational and Experimental Economics on June 13 and 14.

Conference Presentation


Herbert Dawid will give a presentation on "Effects of Digitization on Global Value Chains and (Regional) Inequality: an Agent-Based Analysis" (joint work with Philipp Harting and Jasper Hepp) at the 28th Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance in Dallas, TX from June 17-19, 2022

New Journal Paper Accepted:


Guerini, M., P. Harting and M. Napoletano (2021), “Governance structure, technical change, and industry competition”, forthcoming in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control


New Journal Paper Accepted:


Hepp, J. (2021) "Being small at the right moment: Path dependence after a shift in the technological regime", accepted in Journal 'Industrial and Corporate Change'


New Journal Paper Accepted:


Dawid, H. and G. Muehlheusser (2021), "Smart Products: Liability, Investments in Product Safety, and the Timing of Market Introduction", forthcoming in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.


New Journal Papers Accepted:


Dawid, H. and S. Gezer (2021), "Markov perfect equilibria in multi-mode differential games with endogenous timing of mode transitions", forthcoming in Dynamic Games and Applications.

Dawid, H. and J. Hepp (2021), "Distributional Effects of Technological Regime Changes: Hysteresis, Concentration and Inequality Dynamics". forthcoming in The Review of Evolutionary Political Economy


Dr. Philipp Harting as Deputy Chair Holder


While Prof. Dr. Herbert Dawid is on sabbatical und coordinates a ZiF Research Group on "Economic and Legal Challenges in the Advent of Smart Products" together with Sabine Gless and Gerd Muehlheusser at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research at Bielefeld University in the academic year 2021/22, Dr. Philipp Harting is announced as deputy chair holder of the 'ETACE' chair.


Real Options Conference


The ETACE members Herbert Dawid and Xingang Wen gave research presentations at the 24th Annual International Real Options Conference which was held online from September 2-4, 2021.


Conference Presentations


In the week from July 8 - 15 the ETACE members Herbert Dawid and Jasper Hepp gave reearch presentations at the following international conferences: Third Behavioral Macroeconomics Workshop, Bamberg, 18th International Schumpeter Society Conference, 31st European Conference on Operational Research


Keynote Talk

Herbert Dawid will give a keynote talk on "How to design virus containment policies? An agent-based analysis of economic and epidemic dynamics under the COVID-19 pandemic" at the Workhsop on Economics with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents (WEHIA 2021) on June 28, 2021.


CEF2021 Conference

The ETACE members Herbert Dawid, Tomasz Makarewicz, Philipp Harting, Jasper Hepp and Alexandre Carrier will give research presentations at the 27th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance CEF2021 from June 16 - 18, 2021.


ZiF Research Group
Convenors: Herbert Dawid (Bielefeld, GER), Sabine Gless (Basel, SUI), Gerd Muehlheusser (Hamburg, GER)
October 2021 – July 2022


New Working Paper

Guerini, M., Harting, P., Napoletano, M. (2020), Governance Structure, technical change and industry competition, Bielefeld Working Paper Series No. 7-2020



SCE President

Herbert Dawid has been elected as president of the Society for Computational Economics, the international association of  economists relying heavily on computational methods in their work. Several international journals are associated with the SCE and a main activity of the society is the organization of the annual conference on Computing in Economics and Finance (CEF).


New Working Paper

Dawid, H., Hepp, J. (2021), Distributional Effects of Technological Regime Changes: Hysteresis, Concentration and Inequality Dynamics, Bielefeld Working Paper Series No. 9-2021


New Working Paper

Dawid, H., Gezer, S. (2021) Markov perfect equilibria in multi-mode differential games with endogenous timing of mode transitions, Bielefeld Working Paper Series No. 7-2021


New Working Paper

Basurto, A., Dawid, H., Harting, P, Hepp, J., Kohlweyer, D. (2021) How to design virus containment polices? A joint analysis of economic and epidemic dynamics under the COVID-19 pandemic, Bielefeld Working Paper Series No. 6-2021)


ABM4Policy seminar series

Herbert Dawid will present on February 11 at 4pm the most recent results of the ETACE group on 'Economic and epidemic implications of COVID-19 containment policies' in the online ABM4Policy seminar series.


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