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Economic Theory and Computational Economics (ETACE)

Prof. Dr. Herbert Dawid

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld

Some Media Coverage of ETACE work

Bielefeld university's research magazine "BI.research" reports in September 2022 about "From self-driving cars to investment loans". Herbert Dawid is researching economic uncertainties—and the consequences of the proliferation of smart products and algorithms: BI.research_53_2022.

Report in the local Newpaper "Neue Westfälische" in July 2020 about the results of a simulation based analysis of the ETACE group on economic and epidemic implications of different COVID 19 lockdown policies (Working Papers 2020, updated version 2021) :NW_July_2020.pdf

Bielefeld university's research magazine "BI.research" reports in July 2020 about ETACE doctoral student Kerstin Hötte's analysis of obstacles of green transition, firm behavior and the role of policy: BI.research_50_2020.pdf

An interview with Herbert Dawid in May 2019 in the "Westfalenblatt" about the history of research on Game Theory at Bielefeld University on the occasion of Bielefeld University's 50th anniversary: WestalenBlatt-50Jahre-UniBi.pdf

Report in the German monthly technology magazine "Technology Review" from April 2018 about work of the ETACE group on agent-based modelling and in particular on our analysis of housing market dynamics and also the effect of fiscal transfers and other policies in an economic union in which some countries face a public debt crisis: Technology_Review_April_2018.pdf

Report in "The Economist" on the potential of agent-based modelling in macroeconomics mentioning the Eurace model as as leading example from this model class: Economist_Jan_2013.pdf

Report in the German Newspaper "Handelsblatt" on simulation in economic research and the work of Herbert Dawid: Handelsblatt_Sep_2012.pdf

Report in the German monthly technology magazine "Technology Review" from February 2009 about the agent-based macroeconomic model Eurace and first analyses published using this model: Technology-Review_Feb_2009.pdf

For several years in a row Herbert Dawid was ranked by the German newspaper "Handelsblatt" as one the ten most productive economists in Germany/Austria/Switzerland aged below 40. In 2006 Handelsblatt published a portrait lin light of this ranking: Herbert Dawid: Ein Wiener in Westfalen


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