Prof. Gerald Willmann, Ph.D.
310203 International Trade (Außenwirtschaft)
310206 Tutorial to International Trade (Außenwirtschaft)
310719 Bachelorkolloquium 'Handelspolitik: Handelsabkommen; Mega-Regionals und die WHO'
310746 Bachelorkolloquium 'Empirical Topics in International Trade'
310754 Bachelorkolloquium 'Topics in International Macroeconomics and Trade'
311925 Practical Tutorials 'European Integration'
312852 Masterseminar: Economics of Desintegration: Sanctions, Trade Wars and Political Tensions
312915 Masterkolloquium 'Außenwirtschaft'
312981 Masterkolloquium 'International Economics: Trade, Migration and Capital Flows'