Investigating Syllables and Sublexical Units in Impaired (Aphasia, Dyslexia) and Unipaired Processing
People involved
Prisca Stenneken
Arthur M. Jacobs & Group
Roelien Bastiaanse
Walter Huber
Georg Goldenberg
Research Topics:
- Sublexical frequency measures for orthographic and phonological units in German.
- Processing of syllables in production and recognition tasks.
- Frequency effects with visual words and syllables in a dyslexic reader.
- Visual processing of sublexical units in dyslexia.
- Sublexical units in aphasic jargon and in the standard language. Comparative analyses of neologisms in connected speech.
- Patterns of phoneme and syllable frequency in jargon aphasia.
- Syllable structure and sonority in language inventory and aphasic neologisms.