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Advisory Board meeting at Beckhoff (with presentation of the Founders' Report 2018/19; download here)

Current BU2BU events

Doctoral colloquium of the chairs Becker and Hoon

Ostwestfälisch-Lippischer SteuerkreisPresentation by lawyer Dr Sebastian von Thunen, LL.M., on the topic of "Pool contracts in family businesses"

IUUB dialogue on the topic of "Succession in family businesses" (succession regulations for several branches).

IUUB dialogue on the topic of "Succession in family businesses" (family solution). More details here.

9th Conference of German-speaking Research Centres and Institutes for Family Businesses(FIFU)(more details)

Inaugural lectureby Prof Sanders and Prof Kempny(more details)


IUUB dialogue on the topic of "Digitalisation in sales" (February)

Current BU2BU events

IUUB dialogue on the topic of "Succession in family businesses (foundation solution)"

Foundation of the East Westphalian-Lippe Steering Committee

Professor Kempny initiated and organised the Ostwestfälisch-Lippischer Steuerkreis e. V., a forum for theory-practice transfer.

Doctoral colloquium of the chairs Hoon and Becker

8th OWL Management Colloquium (more details)


Laudation "Entrepreneur of the Year OWL 2017" (more details: nw, WB)

Current BU2BU events

Cooperation event with the BU2BU programme on the topic of "Employer attractiveness"

IUUB dialogue on the topic of "Succession in family businesses"

Doctoral colloquium of the chairs Hoon and Becker


Workshop "Human Resource Management in Family Businesses"(more details)

Current BU2BU events

Doctoral colloquium of the chairs Hoon and Becker

IUUB-Dialogue@Harting 4.0


Inaugural lecture by Prof Dr Christina Hoon(more details) on the topic: "Family, wealth, entrepreneurship: opportunities and risks of leadership in family businesses"

7th OWL Management Colloquium (more details)

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