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    Prof. Dr. Anna Zaharieva

    © Universität Bielefeld
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Latest news

New funding: Leibniz Association approves funding for the second phase of the Leibniz Science Campus "SOEP RegioHub".

New publication: E. Damdinsuren, M. Mitkova, A. Zaharieva "Parental Networks, Wage Expectations, and Intergenerational Educational Mobility", Journal of Economics Behavior and Organization, 218, p. 146-175.

Welcome to the new research employee Asimamaw Belete, who will be enrolled in the RTG 2865 "Copying with Uncertainty in Dynamic Economies" and Bielefeld Graduate School of Economics and Management (BIGSEM).

Lehrstuhl für Arbeitsmarktökonomik


Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Lehrstuhl für Arbeitsmarktökonomik
Postfach 10 01 31
33501 Bielefeld, Deutschland


Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Lehrstuhl für Arbeitsmarktökonomik
Universitätsstraße 25
D-33615 Bielefeld


Raum W8-101
Telefon (+49) (0)521 106 5637
Briefkasten U/V3 1757

Email: anna.zaharieva@uni-bielefeld.de

Economics Seminar Talk on

Abstract: In this paper, we present novel data from the German-speaking area on 13,422 venture capital investments between 1999 and 2019, and document a novel and yet unexplained contributor to investors' home bias. We propose a new measure of regional identity based on a recent vehicle license plate liberalization in Germany, and leverage on a unique dataset of historical borders to examine how regional identity is formed. We use an instrumental strategy to establish a causal link between historical political instability, regional identity, and the home bias. Our results indicate that a common regional identity is highly relevant for investment decisions.

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