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  • News

    Prof. Dr. Anna Zaharieva

    © Universität Bielefeld

News Archive

New publication: E. Damdinsuren, A. Zaharieva (2023) "Expectation Formation and Learning in the Labour Market with On-the-Job Search and Nash Bargaining", Labour Economics 81: 102-311

New publication: K. Rickmeier (2023) "Navigating Regional Barriers to Job Mobility: The Role of Opportunity Structures in Individual Job-to-JobTransitions, Social Sciences, Special Issue on Regional Development Dynamics and Their Social, Economic and Political Consequences", 12(5), 295,

Welcome to the new research employee Maria Schäfer, who will be enrolled in the Bielefeld Graduate School of Economics and Management (BIGSEM).

New book publication: "In Search of the Global Labour Market", published by Brill, Leiden/NL, edited by U. Mense-Petermann,T. Welskopp and A. Zaharieva

Dr. Erdenebulgan Damdinsuren successfully defended his PhD dissertation on the 5th of April 2022, congratulations!

Welcome to the new research employee Mariya Afonina, who will be enrolled in the Bielefeld Graduate School of Economics and Management (BIGSEM).

Anna Zaharieva presents her work at the annual congress of the European Economic Association (EEA-ESEM, 23-27 August), at the anual conference of the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE, 16-18 September) and at the annual meeting of the German Economic Association (VfS, 26-29 September).

Welcome to the new research employees Stefan Leopold and Katrin Rickmeier, who will work in the framework of the Leibniz ScienceCampus SOEP RegioHub "Studying regional development dynamics and their political consequences"

On the 5th of February 2021 Sevak Alaverdyan successfully defended his Dissertation entitled "Social Contacts and Referrals in Search and Matching Models of the Labour Market". Congratulations!

On the 26th of February Anna Zaharieva will give a virtual seminar at Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh, UK) entitled "Immigration, Social Networks and Occupational Mismatch".


Anna Zaharieva becomes a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Journal of Migration Studies (Zeitschrift für Migrationsforschung)

New Working Paper

Alaverdyan S. (2021) "Search Channels of Workers and Firms over the Business Cycle" Bielefeld Working Papers in Economics and Management No. 03-2021

New Working Paper

Damdinsuren E. (2021) "Social Optimum, Heterogeneous Workers and Firms in the Labour Market with On-the-Job Search" Bielefeld Working Papers in Economics and Management No. 01-2021

Call for applications

7 research associate/doctoral positions at the Leibniz-ScienceCampus SOEPRegioHub at Bielefeld University (SOEP@UBi) “Studying Regional Development Dynamics and their Political Consequences”, more information is available at www.uni-bielefeld.de/soep-regiohub

New publication

M. Rebien, M. Stops, A. Zaharieva "Formal Search and Referrals from a Firm's Perspective", International Economic Review, 2020;61(4): 1679-1748

Invited lecture

On Tuesday, 10th of November 2020, Anna Zaharieva gave a virtual talk at the Institute for Labour Law and Industrial Relations (IAAEU) in Trier. The title of the talk was "Social Networks, Promotions and the Glass-Ceiling Effect".

Invited Talk

on 11th of November Anna Zaharieva gives an invited virtual lecture at the Institute for Labour Law and Industrial Relations, Trier University, the title of the lecture is "Social Networks, Promotions, and the Glass-Ceiling Effect".

New Journal Publication

Rebien M., Stops M., Zaharieva A. (2020) "Formal Search and Referrals from a Firm's Perspective", International Economic Review


New Leipniz Research Campus

Anna Zaharieva and Herbert Dawid are among researchers from Bielefeld University and the DIW Berlin, who will study economic, political and social aspects of regional heterogenity within the newly established Leipniz Research Campus "SOEP Regio Hub". In their work Zaharieva and Dawid will combine the emperical analysis, mainly relying on SOEP data, with dynamic modelling approaches. Anna Zaharieva is also Co-speaker of the Campus which will receive funding from the Leipniz Association till 2024.

New Working Paper

Dawid, H., Mitkova, M., Zaharieva, A. (2019) Optimal Promotions of Competing Firms in a Frictional Labour Market with Organizational Hierarchies, Bielefeld Working Papers 03-2019

New Working Paper

Alaverdyan, S., Zaharieva, A. (2019) Immigration, Social Networks and Occupational Mismatch, Bielefeld Workin Papers No. 4-2019

Closing Conference of the ZIF Research Group "In Search of the Global Labour Market", 31.01. - 01.02.

The ZIF Research Group "In Search of the Global Labour Market" - which is a joint project Ursula Mense-Petermann and Thomas Welskopp - will hold a large closing conference. The conference will take place in the ZIF Plenary Hall, 31.01. - 02.20.2019. The exact programm is attached.

Poster Programme

New Working Paper

Damdinsuren, E., Zaharieva, A. (2018) Expectation Formation and Learning in the Labour Market with On-the-Job-Search and Nash Bargaining, Bielefeld Working Papers Nr. 10-2018.

Master Thesis Award

A master graduate in Quantitative Economics -- Le Quynh Nhu Nguyen -- is awarded a Prize of the best Master thesis with practical relevance by the Erich-Gutenberg-Gesellschaft (Herford). The Master thesis was supervised by J.-Prof. Dr. Anna Zaharieva and Prof. Dr. Herbert Dawid.

view article

New Working Paper

Neugart, M., Zaharieva, A. (2018) Social Networks, Promotions, and the Glass-Ceiling-Effect, Center for Mathematical Economics Working Paper No. 601

BA 2025 Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Zeiten von Degitalisierung und Arbeitskräftemangel

A public lecture at the ZIF with a topic "BA 2020 Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Zeiten von Degitalisierung und Arbeitskräftemangel" will be given by Michael Köster from the German Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) on the 4th of July (18:15). The talk will be in German. Please see the poster for more details.

Migration and Refugees from a Global Labour Market Perspective

A workshop at the ZIF with a title "Migration and Refugees from a Global Labour Market Perspective" will be held on the 5th-6th of July. It is an interdisciplinary workshop, but there are several presentations by economists on the program.

The research magazine 'Bi.Research' has published an interview with Anna Zaharieva explaining the Potential Consequences of Globalization.

Anna Zaharieva gives a talk in the DICE Research Seminar at the University of Düsseldorf on the 24th of April, paper title "Social Networks, Promotions, and the Glass-Ceiling-Effect", joint work with Michael Neugart.

New Working Paper Accepted

Iftikhar, Z., Zaharieva, A. (2018) General Equilibrium Effects of Immigration in Germany: Search and Matching Approach. Review of Economic Dynamics

Anna Zaharieva (Bielefeld University), Michael Neugart (University of Darmstadt), and Michele Battisti (CESifo, Munich) are organising a workshop "Social Networks, Referrals and Neighbourhood Effects in Frictional Labour Markets" on the 16th of April at the ZIF.

ZIF issue 1/2018 about the opening conference of the research group "In Search of the Global Labour Market" (Anna Zaharieva, Thomas Welskopp, Ursula Mense-Petermann), http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/(en)/ZiF/Publikationen/Mitteilungen/Ausgaben/

Anna Zaharieva participates in the ASSA meeting in Philadelphia, paper title "Formal Search and Referrals from a Firm's Perspective", 5-7th of January 2018.

Anna Zaharieva gives a talk at the University of Darmstadt "Formal Search and Referrals from a Firm's Perspective", (November 22)


"Immigration: Changes and Challenges for the German Labour Market"

Anna Zaharieva gives a key-note speech at the Anniversary Workshop "Immigration: Changes and Challenges for the German Labour Market", 21st of October, Konstanz University

Opening Conference of the ZiF Research Group "In Search of the Global Labour Market"

Anna Zaharieva is organizing an opening conference of the ZiF research group "In Search of the Global Labour Market" with two key-note talks by Michael J. Piore (MIT, Cambridge) "Policy Paradigs and the Challenge to Immigration and Globalization", 16th of October at 16:00, Frederic Docquier (Université Catholique de Louvain) "The Changing Structure of Immigration to the OECD: what welfare effects on member countries?" , 18th of October at 17:30. Both presentations will take place in the ZiF Plenary Hall.

New DFG Project

The German Science Foundation has decided to provide funding for the research project "The Role of Professional Networks and Firm Hierarchies for Individual Careers and Wage Inequality" with Anna Zaharieva and Herbert Dawid as Co-Pls. The project will run for three years and combines search and matching theory with agent-based simulations to analyse the role of professional networks and firm hierarchies for individual wage dynamics, income inequality and intergenerational mobility.


New ZiF Research Group

Anna Zaharieva together with two colleagues, Ursula Mense-Petermann (Faculty of Sociology) and Thomas Welskopp (Faculty of History) successfully applied for an interdisciplinary ZiF research group "In Search of the Global Labour Market". During the ZiF residence period between October 2017 and July 2018 more than 25 research fellows from leading German and foreign Universities will visit Bielefeld in order to join their effort in analyzing labour market globalization tendencies, internationalization patterns and worker mobility flows across the globe.


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