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  • ETACE Economic Theory and Computational Economics

    Prof. Dr. Herbert Dawid

    © Universität Bielefeld

Papers and Model Documentation

Click here for a list of research papers using the Eurace@Unibi model (and also some previous versions of the Eurace model)

An extensive user manual for the Eurace@Unibi model including detailed descriptions of the source code:

Dawid, H, S Gemkow, P Harting, S van der Hoog, and M Neugart (2011). Eurace@Unibi Model v1.0 User Manual. Working Paper Bielefeld University.
A documentation of the current status of the Eurace@Unibi model, including a discussion of the underlying modeling philosophy and a presentation of some typical model dynamics:

Dawid, Harting, van der Hoog & Neugart (2016): "A Heterogeneous Agent Macroeconomic Model for Policy Evaluation: Improving Transparency and Reproducibility" (Full model description -- Updated version of Dawid et al. 2012)

An overview of policy analyses with the model so far:

Dawid, H, S Gemkow, P Harting, S van der Hoog and M Neugart (forthcoming), Agent-Based Macroeconomic Modeling and Policy Analysis: The Eurace@Unibi Model.. Submitted for publication in Chen, S-H. and Kaboudan, M. (Eds.), Handbook on Computational Economics and Finance, Oxford University Press.

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