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Prof. Dr. Christian Stummer


Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
LS BWL Innovations- und Technologiemanagement

Universitätsstr. 25
D-33615 Bielefeld, Deutschland

Telefon: +49 521.106-4892
E-Mail: christian.stummer@uni-bielefeld.de

Büro: UHG V9-147, Lage-/Raumplan


Stummer C., Günther M., Höfler A.M. (2020) Grundzüge des Innovations- und Technologiemanagements. 4. Aufl., Facultas

Stummer C. (1998) Projektauswahl im betrieblichen F&E-Management. Gabler

Dawid H., Kohlweyer D., Schleef M., Stummer C. (2024) The role of uncertainty for product announcement strategies: The case of autonomous vehicles. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, forthcoming.

Schleef M., Gless S., Stummer C. (2024) Smart wearables as silent witnesses: Privacy concerns versus possible legal advantages. Die Unternehmung (Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice), 78 (2), 105-126

Haurand M.D., Stummer C. (2023) Determining the right time to advertise adopter numbers for a two-sided digital platform: An agent-based simulation optimization approach. EURO Journal on Decision Processes, 11, 100032.

Schleef M., Bilstein N., Schrader P.T., Stummer C. (2023) When smart products become dumb (again): Voluntary and legally required service updates and their impact on consumers' purchase intention. Journal of Service Management Research, 7 (1), 52-65

Bilstein N., Stummer C. (2023) Editorial - Special issue: Managing smart services and smart service systems. Journal of Service Management Research, 7 (1), 2-6

Kaiser I., Schleef M., Stummer C. (2022) Wenn die digitale Transformation Entrepreneure schafft: Die Unternehmensausgründung von appWash aus Miele. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, 74 (2), 135-155

Stummer C., Lüpke L., Günther M. (2021) Beaming market simulation to the future by combining agent-based modeling with scenario analysis. Journal of Business Economics, 91 (9), 1469-1497

Rand W., Stummer C. (2021) Agent-based modeling of new product market diffusion: An overview of strengths and criticisms. Annals of Operations Research, 305 (1-2), 425-447

Backs S., Jahnke H., Lüpke L., Stücken M., Stummer C. (2021) Traditional versus fast fashion supply chains in the apparel industry: An agent-based simulation approach. Annals of Operations Research, 305 (1-2), 487-512

Stummer C., Zsifkovits M., Doerner K.F. (2021) Preface: The modeling and simulation of complex systems. Annals of Operations Research, 305 (1-2), 423-424

Stummer C., Engin A. (2021) A tribute to Rudolf Vetschera. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 29 (1), 1-6

Stummer C., Kiesling E. (2021) An agent-based market simulation for enriching innovation management education. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 29 (1), 143-161

Klein M., Stummer C. (2021) Feeless micropayments as drivers for new business models: Two exemplary application cases. Frontiers in Blockchain, 4, 641508

Michler O., Decker R., Stummer C. (2020) To trust or not to trust smart consumer products: A literature review of trust-building factors. Management Review Quarterly, 70 (3), 391-420

Kaiser I., Stummer C. (2020) How the traditional industrial manufacturer Miele established a new smart home division. Research-Technology Management, 63 (4), 29-34

Souka M., Böger D., Decker R., Stummer C., Wiemann A. (2020) Is more automation always better? An empirical study of customers' willingness to use autonomous vehicle functions. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 20 (1), 1-24

Bilstein N., Stummer C. (2020) Multidisciplinary perspectives on challenges in managing smart products and services. Schmalenbach Business Review, 72 (4), 479-483

Backs S., Günther M., Stummer C. (2019) Stimulating academic patenting in a university ecosystem: An agent-based simulation approach. Journal of Technology Transfer, 44 (2), 434-461

Kaldewei M., Stummer C. (2018) Der Einfluss der Produktintelligenz auf den Konsumentennutzen und die Produktnutzung. Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 70 (4), 315-349

Haurand M.D., Stummer C. (2018) Stakes or garlic? Studying the emergence of dominant designs through an agent-based model of a vampire economy. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 26 (2), 373-394

Stummer C., Kundisch D., Decker R. (2018) Platform launch strategies. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 60 (2), 167-173

Bomze I., Doerner K.F., Hartl R.F., Leopold-Wildburger U., Pflug G., Rauner M., Stummer C., Tragler G., Wakolbinger T. (2018) Emerging and innovative OR applications: A special issue in honor of Walter J. Gutjahr (Editorial), Central European Journal of Operations Research, 26 (2), 259-263

Meißner M., Haurand M.D., Stummer C. (2017) With a little help from my customers: The influence of customer empowerment on consumers' perceptions of well-established brands. International Journal of Innovation Management, 21 (6), 1750048 (28 Seiten)

Dawid H., Decker R., Hermann T., Jahnke H., Klat W., König R., Stummer C. (2017) Management science in the era of smart consumer products: Challenges and research perspectives. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 25 (1), 203-230

Stummer C., Günther M. (2017) Szenario-Analyse trifft agentenbasierte Marktsimulation: Entscheidungsunterstützung bei der strategischen Technologieplanung. Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis, 26 (3), 17-22

Decker R., Stummer C. (2017) Marketing management for consumer products in the era of the Internet of Things. Advances in Internet of Things, 7 (3), 47-70

Kiesling E., Ekelhart A., Grill B., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2016) Selecting security control portfolios: A multi-objective simulation-optimization approach. EURO Journal on Decision Processes, 4 (1-2), 85-117

Leitner M.-L., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2016) Web accessibility implementation in private sector organizations: Motivations and business impact. Universal Access in the Information Society, 15 (2), 249-260

Doerner K.F., Salazar-Gonzalez J.-J., Stummer C. (2016) Preface on SI for ORP3 Conference, Annals of Operations Research, 236 (2), 291-293

Stummer C., Kiesling E., Günther M., Vetschera R. (2015) Innovation diffusion of repeat purchase products in a competitive market: An agent-based simulation approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 245 (1), 157-167

Venghaus S., Stummer C. (2015) Finding partners for complex system innovations through a trans-sectoral 'matchmaking platform'. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 27 (3), 334-359

Ekelhart A., Kiesling E., Grill B., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2015) Integrating attacker behavior in IT security analysis: A discrete-event simulation approach. Information Technology and Management, 16 (3), 221-233

Sonderegger-Wakolbinger L.M., Stummer C. (2015) An agent-based simulation of customer multi-channel choice behavior. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 23 (2), 459-477

Backs S., Stummer C. (2015) Akademische Patente und ihre Auswirkungen auf Forschung, Lehre und Administration an Universitäten. Management Review Quarterly (Journal für Betriebswirtschaft), 65 (1), 35-68

Wakolbinger L.M., Stummer C., Günther M. (2013) Market introduction and diffusion of new products: Recent developments in agent-based modeling. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 10 (5), 1-19

Gettinger J., Kiesling E., Stummer C., Vetschera R. (2013) A comparison of representations for discrete multi-criteria decision problems. Decision Support Systems, 54 (2), 976-985

Bauer C., Strauss C., Stummer C., Trieb A. (2013) Context-aware services in cooperative value chains: A key player-centred approach. Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 14 (3), 139-153

Wakolbinger L.M., Stummer C. (2013) Multi-channel management: An exploratory study of current practices. International Journal of Services, Economics and Management, 5 (1/2), 112-124

Kopetzky R., Günther M., Kryvinska N., Mladenow A., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2013) Strategic management of disruptive technologies: A practical framework in the context of voice services and of computing towards the cloud. International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 4 (1), 47-59

Stummer C., Gutjahr W.J., Denk M., Riedmann H., Froeschl K.A. (2012) Training on the project: A quantifying approach to competence development. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 10 (1), 64-78

Kiesling E., Günther M., Stummer C., Wakolbinger L.M. (2012) Agent-based simulation of innovation diffusion: A review. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 20 (2), 183-230

Stummer C., Günther M. (2011) Die Balanced Scorecard im Innovationsmanagement. Business + Innovation, 2 (4), 31-39

Günther M., Kiesling E., Stummer C. (2011) Game-based learning in technology management education: A novel business simulation. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 6 (1), 20-25

Günther M., Stummer C., Wakolbinger L.M., Wildpaner M. (2011) An agent-based simulation approach for the new product diffusion of a novel biomass fuel. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62 (1), 12-20

Gutjahr W.J., Katzensteiner S., Reiter P., Stummer C., Denk M. (2010) Multi-objective decision analysis for competence-oriented project portfolio selection. European Journal of Operational Research, 205 (3), 670-679

Neubauer T., Stummer C. (2010) Interactive selection of Web services under multiple objectives. Information Technology and Management, 11 (1), 25-41

Stummer C., Kiesling E., Gutjahr W.J. (2009) A multicriteria decision support system for competence-driven project portfolio selection. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, 8 (2), 379-401

Stummer C., Neubauer T. (2008) Interaktive Portfolioplanung im IT-Servicemanagement. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 45 (264), 48-55

Dörner K.F., Gutjahr W.J., Hartl R.F., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2008) Nature-inspired metaheuristics for multiobjective activity crashing. Omega, 36 (6), 1019-1037

Gutjahr W.J., Katzensteiner S., Reiter P., Stummer C., Denk M. (2008) Competence-driven project portfolio selection, scheduling and staff assignment. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 16 (3), 281-306

Weber M., Denk M., Oberecker K., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2008) Panel surveys go mobile. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 6 (1), 88-107

Fürnsinn S., Günther M., Stummer C. (2007) Adopting energy flow charts for the economic analysis of process innovations. Technovation, 27 (11), 693-703

Ballestero E., Günther M., Pla-Santamaria D., Stummer C. (2007) Portfolio selection under strict uncertainty: A multi-criteria methodology and its application to the Frankfurt and Vienna Stock Exchanges. European Journal of Operational Research, 181 (3), 1476-1487

Dörner K.F., Gutjahr W.J., Hartl R.F., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2006) Pareto ant colony optimization with ILP preprocessing in multiobjective project portfolio selection. European Journal of Operational Research, 171 (3), 830-841

Stummer C., Sun M. (2005) New multiobjective metaheuristic solution procedures for capital investment planning. Journal of Heuristics, 11 (3), 183-199

Dörner K., Gutjahr W.J., Hartl R.F., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2004) Pareto Ant Colony Optimization: A metaheuristic approach to multiobjective portfolio selection. Annals of Operations Research, 131 (1-4), 79-99

Stummer C., Dörner K., Focke A., Heidenberger K. (2004) Determining location and size of medical departments in a hospital network: A multiobjective decision support approach. Health Care Management Science, 7 (1), 63-71

Stummer C. (2004) Comment on "Approximative solution methods for multiobjective combinatorial optimization" (Ehrgott/Gandibleux), Top - The Journal of the Spanish Statistical and Operations Research Society, 12 (1), 82-85

Stummer C., Heidenberger K. (2003) Interactive R&D portfolio analysis with project interdependencies and time profiles of multiple objectives. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 50 (2), 175-183

Heidenberger K., Schillinger A., Stummer C. (2003) Budgeting for research and development: A dynamic financial simulation approach. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 37 (1), 15-27

Focke A., Stummer C. (2003) Strategic technology planning in hospital management. OR Spectrum, 25 (2), 161-182

Stummer C., Vetschera R. (2003) Decentralized planning for multiobjective resource allocation and project selection. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 11 (3), 253-279

Stummer C., Günther M. (2002) Zum Einsatz betriebswirtschaftlicher Modelle bei der F&E-Projektauswahl. Die Betriebswirtschaft, 62 (3), 289-304

Strauss C., Stummer C. (2002) Multiobjective decision support in IT-risk management. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, 1 (2), 251-268

Stummer C. (2001) Faire Gruppenentscheidungen in der Investitionsplanung. OR Spectrum, 23 (4), 431-443

Heidenberger K., Ristl W., Stummer C. (2001) Planung von Forschungs- und Entwicklungsinvestitionen im Unternehmensspiel. Journal of Management Control (Zeitschrift für Planung), 12 (2), 125-140

Heidenberger K., Muthsam H.L., Stummer C. (2000) Budgetierungsansätze für Forschung und Entwicklung im Überblick. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 70 (9), 1005-1029

Schulz I., Stummer C. (2000) Zum Qualitätsverständnis in der angewandten Wirtschaftsforschung: Eine Befragung ausgewählter Anbieter, Auftraggeber und externer Beobachter in Österreich. Zeitschrift für Gemeinwirtschaft, 38 (5), 33-50

Heidenberger K., Stummer C. (1999) Research and development project selection and resource allocation: A review of quantitative modelling approaches. International Journal of Management Reviews, 1 (2), 197-224

Michler O., Stummer C., Decker R. (2022) Can the GDPR allay privacy concerns towards smart products? The effect of a compliance seal on perceived data security, trust, and intention to use. In: Kö A., Francesconi E., Kotsis G., Tjoa A.M., Khalil I. (Hrsg.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective (EGOVIS). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 13429. Springer, 77-91

Schleef M., Rademacher T., Stummer C. (2022) The spy who saves me: Can emergency detection capabilities in a smart home environment outweigh data usage concerns? In: Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). AIS Electronic Library, 114

Klein M., Kundisch D., Stummer C. (2022) Feeless micropayments and their impact on business models. In: S. Roth, H. Corsten (Hrsg.) Handbuch Digitalisierung. Vahlen, 799-813

Kaldewei M., Stummer C. (2022) Brand effects on consumption values and use-diffusion of smart consumer products. In: S. Roth, H. Corsten (Hrsg.) Handbuch Digitalisierung. Vahlen, 857-874

Schleef M., Steinlechner J., Stummer C. (2021) Much alike, yet different: Digital innovation labs in family/non-family business. In: Bitran I., Conn S., Gernreich C., Huizingh E., Torkkeli M., Yang J. (Hrsg.) Proceedings of the XXXII ISPIM Innovation Conference. LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications, 1-13

Klein M., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2021) Business information through choice-based conjoint analysis: The case of electric vehicle home charging. In: Kryvinska, N., Poniszewska-Maranda A. (Hrsg.) Development in Information & Knowledge Management for Business Applications, Volume 2. Springer, 357-379

Schleef M., Bilstein N., Stummer C. (2020) "Shh! … I got help to become smart": Should incumbent firms disclose their cooperation with a startup? In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). AIS Electronic Library, 13

Schleef M., Steinlechner J., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2020) Cooperation between performance and innovation engine: An exploratory study of digital innovation labs in family business. In: Luo Y. (Hrsg.) Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering: Proceedings of CDVE 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 12341. Springer, 249-259

Haurand M.D., Stummer C. (2020) Go big or go home? Simulating the effect of publishing adopter numbers for two-sided platforms. In: Verhagen H., Borit M., Bravo G., Wijermans N. (Hrsg): Advances in Social Simulation: Looking in the Mirror. Springer Proceedings in Complexity. Springer, 195-199

Haurand M.D., Stummer C. (2019) Evaluating market entry strategies for two-sided digital platforms under competition: A simulation approach. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). AIS Electronic Library, 9

Kaldewei M., Stummer C. (2019) How product intelligence and brand affect consumption value and intended usage: Evidence from a smart washing machine. In: Proceedings of the 48th EMAC Conference. European Marketing Academy, 9749

Haurand M.D., Stummer C. (2019) Fighting fair? Evaluating negative campaigning with an agent-based simulation. In: Fortz B., Labbe M. (Hrsg.) Operations Research Proceedings 2018. Springer, 499-504

Meißner M., Haurand M.D., Stummer C. (2019) With a little help from my customers: The influence of customer empowerment on consumers' perceptions of well-established brands. In: Brem A., Tidd J., Daim T. (Hrsg.) Managing Innovation: Understanding and Motivating Crowds. World Scientific, 367-394 [Reprint of paper by Meißner et al., 2017, in the International Journal of Innovation Management]

Haurand M.D., Stummer C. (2018) The early-stage development of two-sided digital platforms: A simulation approach. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2018). AIS Electronic Library, 49

Stummer C., Lüpke L., Backs S., Günther M. (2018) Agentenbasierte Marktsimulation — ein Spezialwerkzeug. In: Siebe A. (Hrsg.) Die Zukunft vorausdenken und gestalten. Springer, 125-142

Günther M., Lüpke L., Stummer C. (2017) Cross-over between scenario analysis and agent-based market simulation for technology planning. In: Proceedings of PICMET '17: Technology Management for Interconnected World. Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), 1-9

Günther M., Stummer C. (2017) Simulating the diffusion of competing multi-generation technologies: An agent-based model and its application to the consumer computer market in Germany. In: Fink A., Fügenschuh A., Geiger M.J. (Hrsg.) Operations Research Proceedings 2016. Springer, 569-574

Klat W., Stummer C., Decker R. (2016) From web analytics to product analytics: The internet of things as a new data source for enterprise information systems. In: Tjoa AM., Xu L.D., Raffai M., Novak N.M. (Hrsg.) Proceedings of CONFENIS 2016: Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 268. Springer, 145-155

Stummer C., Lüpke L., Günther M. (2015) Intelligente Produkte, Zukunftsszenarien und Agenten: Eine Marktsimulation zur Entscheidungsunterstützung bei der strategischen Technologieplanung. In: Gausemeier J. (Hrsg.) Vorausschau und Technologieplanung, Tagungsband vom 11. Symposium für Vorausschau und Technologieplanung (SVT). HNI Verlagsschriftenreihe (Bd. 347), 449-470

Backs S., Günther M., Stummer C. (2015) Academic patenting meets agent-based simulation: Provisional results and research perspectives. In: Suominen A., Toivanen H., Nieminen M. (Hrsg.) Innovation Policies for Economic and Social Transitions: Developing Strategies for Knowledge, Practices and Organizations; Proceedings of the Conference of the European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation (EU-SPRI 2015). VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, 248-252

Meißner M., Haurand M.D., Stummer C. (2015) Does empowering consumers backfire in the context of technology brands like Nokia? In: Proceedings of the 44th EMAC Conference. European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 1-7

Grill B., Ekelhart A., Kiesling E., Stummer C., Strauss C. (2015) Multi-objective evolutionary optimization of computation-intensive simulations: The case of security control selection. In: Proceedings of the 11th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC), 1-3

Stummer C., Günther M. (2014) Partizipative Lehr-/Lernformate für die universitäre Aus- und Weiterbildung am Beispiel des Innovations- und Technologiemanagements. In: Keuper F., Arnold H. (Hrsg.) Campus Transformation: Education, Qualification & Digitalization. Logos, 129-147

Klat W., Gerholz K.-H., Stummer C. (2014) From simulation games to smart learning systems. In: Kritz W.C., Eiselen T., Manahl W. (Hrsg.) The Shift from Teaching to Learning: Individual, Collective and Organizational Learning Through Gaming Simulation; Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA). Bertelsmann, 288-300

Ekelhart A., Grill B., Kiesling E., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2014) Komplexe Systeme, heterogene Angreifer und vielfältige Abwehrmechanismen: Simulationsbasierte Entscheidungsunterstützung im IT-Sicherheitsmanagement. In: Katzenbeisser S., Lotz V., Weippl E. (Hrsg.) Proceedings of the GI-Meeting Sicherheit 2014: Sicherheit, Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit. GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Vol. P-228, Gesellschaft für Informatik, 345-361

Kiesling E., Ekelhart A., Grill B., Stummer C., Strauss C. (2014) Evolving secure information systems through attack simulation. In: Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-47). IEEE Computer Society, 4868-4877

Günther M., Stummer C., Wakolbinger L.M., Wildpaner M. (2014) An agent-based simulation approach for the new product diffusion of a novel biomass fuel. In: Taylor S.J.E. (Hrsg.) Agent-based Modeling and Simulation. Palgrave, 61-77 [Reprint of paper by Günther et al., 2011, in the Journal of the Operational Research Society]

Kiesling E., Ekelhart A., Grill B., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2013) Simulation-based optimization of information security controls: An adversary-centric approach. In: Pasupathy R., Kim S.-H., Tolk A., Hill R., Kuhl M.E. (Hrsg.) Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2013). Omnipress, 2054-2065

Stummer C., Günther M. (2013) Die Balanced Scorecard (BSC) im Innovationsmanagement. In: Keuper F., Hamidian K., Verwaayen E., Kalinowski T., Kraijo C. (Hrsg.) Digitalisierung und Innovation: Planung, Entstehung, Entwicklungsperspektiven. Springer, 471-484 [Reprint of paper by Stummer and Günther, 2011, in Business + Innovation]

Kiesling E., Ekelhart A., Grill B., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2013) Simulation-based optimization of IT security controls: Initial experiences with metaheuristic solution procedures. In: Fink A., Geiger M.J. (Hrsg.) Proceedings of the 14th EU/ME Workshop. 18-20

Stummer C., Kiesling E. (2012) Simulating innovation adoption behavior: Lessons learned for modelers and programmers. In: Breitenecker F., Bruzzone A.G., Jimenez E., Longo F., Merkuryev Y., Sokolov B. (Hrsg.) Proceedings of the 24th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium (EMSS-2012). 90-96

Kiesling E., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2012) A multi-objective decision support framework for simulation-based security control selection. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2012). IEEE CPS, 454-462

Kopetzky R., Stummer C., Kryvinska N., Günther M., Strauss C. (2011) Disruptive ICT service technologies: Recent developments and practical implications for strategic management. In: Xhafa F., Barolli L., Bessis N. (Hrsg.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies (EIDWT-2011). IEEE CPS, 125-130

Kiesling E., Gettinger J., Stummer C., Vetschera R. (2011) An experimental comparison of two interactive visualization methods for multi-criteria portfolio selection. In: Salo A., Keisler J., Morton A. (Hrsg.) Portfolio Decision Analysis: Improved Methods for Resource Allocation (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Vol. 162). Springer, 187-209
The book was distinguished with the (INFORMS) "Decision Analysis Society Publication Award" as the top Decision Analysis publication of 2011.

Günther M., Kiesling E., Stummer C. (2010) Game-based learning in technology management education. In: Proceedings of the International Engineering Education Conference (IEEE EDUCON 2010). IEEE Press, 191-196
Winner of the "Most Innovative Paper regarding Engineering Education Award" at the IEEE EDUCON 2010 conference.

Vetschera R., Gettinger J., Kiesling E., Stummer C. (2010) Visualization methods for multi-criteria portfolio selection: An empirical study. In: Supplemental Proceedings of the 15th IFIP WG 8.3 International Conference on Decision Support Systems (DSS 2010). 1-9

Wakolbinger L.M., Stummer C. (2010) An agent-based simulation of multi-channel choice behavior across the purchasing process. In: Beckmann S.C., Ringberg T., Ritter T. (Hrsg.) Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference. European Marketing Academy (EMAC). 1-7

Kiesling E., Günther M., Stummer C., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2010) A spatial simulation model for the diffusion of a novel biofuel on the Austrian market. In: Bargiela A., Azam-Ali S., Crowley D., Kerckhoffs E.J.H. (Hrsg.) Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS 2010). 41-49
Nominated for the "Best Paper Award" at the ECMS 2010 conference.

Strauss C., Stummer C., Bauer C., Trieb A. (2009) A networked ubiquitous computing environment for damage prevention: A decision support framework for the insurance sector. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Design, Optimization and Management of Heterogeneous Networked Systems (DOM-HetNetS'09). IEEE Computer Society Digital Library, 276-281

Kiesling E., Günther M., Stummer C., Wakolbinger L.M. (2009) An agent-based simulation model for the market diffusion of a second generation biofuel. In: Rossetti M., Hill R.R., Johansson B., Dunkin A., Ingalls R.G. (Hrsg.) Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2009). Omnipress, 1474-1481
Winner of the inaugural "Best Applied Paper Award" at the Winter Simulation Conference.

Neubauer T., Pichler J., Stummer C. (2008) A case study on the multicriteria selection of software components. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC 2008). IEEE Computer Society Digital Library, 1005-1012

Neubauer T., Stummer C. (2007) Interactive decision support for multiobjective COTS selection. In: Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-40). IEEE Computer Society Digital Library, 1-7

Neubauer T., Stummer C. (2007) Interaktive Entscheidungsunterstützung für die Auswahl von Software-Komponenten bei mehrfachen Zielsetzungen. In: Oberweis A., Weinhardt C., Gimpel H., Koschmider A., Pankratius V., Schnizler B. (Hrsg.) eOrganisation: Service-, Prozess-, Market-Engineering (Proceedings of the 8th Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, Band 2). Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe, 255-269

Neubauer T., Stummer C. (2007) Extending business process management to determine efficient IT investments. In: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. ACM, 1250-1256

Reiter P., Gutjahr W.J., Katzensteiner S., Stummer C. (2007) Multi-objective stochastic project portfolio selection using metaheuristics. In: Proceedings of the 7th Metaheuristics International Conference. 1-3

Neubauer T., Stummer C., Weippl E. (2006) Workshop-based multiobjective security safeguard selection. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES'06). IEEE Computer Society Press, 366-373

Stummer C., Dörner K., Focke A., Heidenberger K. (2006) Determining location and size of medical departments in a hospital network: A multiobjective decision support approach. In: Kiminami L., Butoon K., Nijkamp P. (Hrsg.) Public Facilities Planning. Edward Elgar [Reprint of paper by Stummer et al., 2004, in Health Care Management Science]

Stummer C., Sun M. (2005) A Tabu Search heuristic for R&D project portfolio selection. In: Proceedings of the 6th Metaheuristics International Conference. 847-852

Pla-Santamaria D., Stummer C., Günther M., Ballestero E. (2004) Compromise-utility approach to portfolio selection: A case from an opportunity set on three European Exchanges. In: Antunes C.H., Dias L. (Hrsg.) Managing Uncertainty in Decision Support Models: Proceedings of the 15th Mini-EURO Conference MUDSM 2004. 1-7

Stummer C. (2003) Zur Modellierung mehrfacher Zielsetzungen bei der F&E-Projektauswahl. In: Habenicht W., Scheubrein B., Scheubrein R. (Hrsg.) Multi-Criteria- und Fuzzy-Systeme in Theorie und Praxis. Gabler, 287-309

Dörner K., Gutjahr W.J., Hartl R.F., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2002) Investitionsentscheidungen bei mehrfachen Zielsetzungen und künstliche Ameisen. In: Chamoni P., Leisten R., Martin A., Minnemann J., Stadtler H. (Hrsg.) Operations Research Proceedings 2001, Selected Papers of OR 2001. Springer, 355-362

Stummer C., Heidenberger K. (2001) Interactive R&D portfolio selection considering multiple objectives, project interdependencies, and time: A three-phase approach. In: Kocaoglu D.F., Anderson T.R. (Hrsg.) Technology Management in the Knowledge Era, Selected Papers of the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET '01). 423-428

Dörner K., Gutjahr W.J., Hartl R.F., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2001) Ant Colony Optimization in multiobjective portfolio selection. In: Proceedings of the 4th Metaheuristics International Conference. 243-248

Stummer C. (2000) Ein interaktives Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem zur Portfolioauswahl bei mehrfachen Zielsetzungen. In: Wanka G. (Hrsg.) Decision Theory and Optimization in Theory and Practice. Shaker, 129-149

Stummer C. (2000) A two-phase approach to group decision making in R&D project selection. In: Proceedings of the INFORMS-KORMS International Conference. 900-905

Elbracht T., Stummer C. (2024) The heterogeneity effect in modeling innovation diffusion: Findings from an agent-based simulation experiment. European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXXIII), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 30 - July 3

Tolkmitt F., Stummer C. (2024) Innovation diffusion in the presence of opposing information sources: An agent-based simulation approach. European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXXIII), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 30 - July 3

Schleef M., Dawid H., Kohlweyer D., Stummer C. (2024) Identification of modes to navigate uncertainty: An experimental study. Summer Meeting of the "Das Junge ZiF", Bielefeld, Germany, June 21-22

Kohlweyer D., Dawid H., Schleef M., Stummer C. (2023) Firm strategies for announcing the next generation of autonomous vehicles: An agent-based market simulation. International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2023), Hamburg, Germany, Aug. 29 - Sept. 1

Tolkmitt F., Stummer C. (2023) The role of uncertainty in innovation diffusion of radically new products: An agent-based simulation study. International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2023), Hamburg, Germany, Aug. 29 - Sept. 1

Elbracht T., Stummer C. (2023) Better than Bass: An agent-based simulation of innovation diffusion. International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2023), Hamburg, Germany, Aug. 29 - Sept. 1

Schleef M., Bilstein N., Stummer C. (2023) Becoming smart: The effect of disclosing the cooperation with a start-up for the development of smart products on consumers' behavioral intentions. International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services, Bielefeld, Germany, Aug. 24-25

Stummer C., Bilstein N., Gless S., Rademacher T., Schleef M., Schrader P.T. (2023) Legal perspectives inspiring management research on the acceptance of smart consumer products. Closing Conference of the ZiF Research Group on Economic and Legal Challenges in the Advent of Smart Products, Bielefeld, Germany, July 17-19

Schleef M., Bilstein N., Schrader P.T., Stummer C. (2022) Up to date: The legal right to obtain updates for smart products, voluntary extensions, and how this can affect consumers' purchase intention. International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services, Bielefeld, Germany, Aug. 25-26
Winner of the "Best Poster Award" at the CHIMSPAS 2022 conference

Michler O., Stummer C., Decker R. (2022) Can the GDPR allay privacy concerns towards smart products? The effect of a compliance seal on perceived data security, trust, and intention to use. International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective (EGOVIS), Vienna, Austria, Aug. 22-24

Schleef M., Rademacher T., Stummer C. (2022) The spy who saves me: Can emergency detection capabilities in a smart home environment outweigh data usage concerns? Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Virtual Event, July 5-9

Schleef M., Gless S., Stummer C. (2022) Smart products as silent witnesses: Privacy concerns versus legal advantage. ISPIM Innovation Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 5-8

Schleef M., Gless S., Rademacher T., Stummer C. (2022) Services of smart products outweighing data usage concerns? Workshop of the ZiF Research Group on Economic and Legal Challenges in the Advent of Smart Products, Bielefeld, Germany, March 14-16

Bilstein N., Schleef M., Stummer C. (2021) To tell or not to tell? The effect of informing consumers about the cooperation with a startup in developing smart products. Invited Talk, University of Surrey, United Kingdom, Dec. 2

Günther M., Lüpke L., Stummer C. (2021) Simulating innovation diffusion in a future market: A multi-method approach. Meeting of the GOR-Working Group "Simulation and Optimization of Complex Systems", Virtual Event, Oct. 28

Gless S., Schleef M., Stummer C. (2021) Chained up: Does the fear of legal disadvantages play a role in the adoption of smart products? ZiF Research Group on Economic and Legal Challenges in the Advent of Smart Products, Bielefeld, Germany, Oct. 22

Schleef M., Bilstein N., Schrader P., Stummer C. (2021) To remain smart or to become dumb (again): How the legal obligation to provide updates for smart products impacts consumers' behavioral intentions. Opening Conference of the ZiF Research Group on Economic and Legal Challenges in the Advent of Smart Products, Bielefeld, Germany, Oct. 4-6

Günther M., Stummer C. (2021) Modeling consumers' heterogeneity and individuality can make a difference: Insights from a simulation experiment. International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2021), Virtual Event, Sept. 1-3

Schleef M., Bilstein N., Stummer C. (2021) To tell or not to tell about the origin of a smart product: Should firms disclose their cooperation with a startup? International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services, Virtual Event, Aug. 26-27

Schleef M., Bilstein N., Schrader P., Stummer C. (2021) Smart, smarter, dumb: Legal obligation versus voluntary commitment to provide service updates and their impact on consumers' behavioral intentions. Frontiers in Service Conference, Virtual Event, July 9-10

Schleef M., Steinlechner J., Stummer C. (2021) Much alike, yet different: Digital innovation labs in family/non-family business. ISPIM Innovation Conference, Virtual Event, June 20-23

Schleef M., Bilstein N., Stummer C. (2020) "Shh! … I got help to become smart": Should incumbent firms disclose their cooperation with a startup? International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Virtual Event, Dec. 13-16

Schleef M., Steinlechner J., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2020) Cooperation between performance and innovation engine: An exploratory study of digital innovation labs in family business. International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering (CDVE), Virtual Event, Oct. 25-28

Stummer C., Kiesling E., Günther M., Vetschera R. (2020) Die agentenbasierte Simulation der Adoption und Marktdiffusion von Innovationen am Beispiel eines neuen Biotreibstoffs. Invited Talk, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany, Sept. 29

Schleef M., Steinlechner J., Stummer C. (2020) Digital innovation labs in family business: An exploratory study. ISPIM Innovation Conference, Virtual Event, June 7-10

Stummer C., Kiesling E., Günther M., Vetschera R. (2020) Agent-based modelling of innovation diffusion: The case of a novel biofuel in Austria. Invited Talk, Durham University, United Kingdom, Feb. 20

Haurand M.D., Stummer C. (2019) Evaluating market entry strategies for two-sided digital platforms under competition: A simulation approach. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Munich, Germany, Dec. 15-18

Haurand M.D., Bilstein N., Stummer C. (2019) Gadgets for grandpa: Toward simulating the diffusion of smart services among the elderly. Social Simulation Conference 2019, Mainz, Germany, Sept. 23-27

Stummer C., Günther M. (2019) Why it is not a good idea to resort to a representative consumer when studying new product diffusion. Meeting of the GOR-Working Group "Simulation and Optimization of Complex Systems", Oberammergau, Germany, Sept. 19-20

Günther M., Stummer C. (2019) Modeling consumer heterogeneity matters: Computational experiments with an agent-based market simulation. International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2019), Dresden, Germany, Sept. 3-6

Wiemann A., Stummer C., Decker R. (2019) Being in control or not: Perceived disempowerment and desire for control as determinants for selecting future means of travel. International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services, Bielefeld, Germany, Aug. 22-23

Souka M., Böger D., Decker R., Stummer C., Wiemann A. (2019) Is more automation always better? An empirical study of customers' willingness to use autonomous vehicle functions. International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services, Bielefeld, Germany, Aug. 22-23

Stummer C., Haurand M.D. (2018) Four ways to kill a vampire: An agent-based simulation of the emergence of dominant technologies. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA, Nov. 4-7

Haurand M.D., Stummer C. (2018) Finding the right time for advertising the number of adopters of a digital platform: A simulation-optimization approach. Meeting of the GOR-Working Group "Simulation and Optimization of Complex Systems", Bielefeld, Germany, Oct. 11-12

Lüpke L., Backs S., Jahnke H., Stücken M., Stummer C. (2018) Fast fashion vs. traditional supply chains: An agent-based market simulation. Meeting of the GOR-Working Group "Simulation and Optimization of Complex Systems", Bielefeld, Germany, Oct. 11-12

Stummer C. (2018) Simulation as a third way of doing research. Workshop in the Honor of Walter Gutjahr, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 28

Haurand M.D., Stummer C. (2018) Fighting fair? Evaluating negative campaigning with an agent-based simulation. International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2018), Brussels, Belgium, Sept. 12-14

Haurand M.D., Stummer C. (2018) Go big or go home? Simulating the effect of publishing adopter numbers for two-sided platforms. Social Simulation Conference 2018, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 20-24

Kaldewei M., Stummer C. (2018) Smartness dimensions make a difference: Perceived value and intended usage of a smart consumer product. R&D Management Conference, Milan, Italy, July 2-4

Haurand M.D., Stummer C. (2018) The early-stage development of two-sided digital platforms: A simulation approach. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Portsmouth, UK, June 23-28

Stummer C. (2018) Agent-based modeling and simulation as a third way of doing science: Examples from the field of innovation and technology management. Invited Talk, Syddansk University, Denmark, June 6

Backs S., Günther M., Stummer C. (2017) Patente oder Publikationen: Eine simulationsbasierte Analyse der Wirksamkeit von Bewusstseinsbildung und Anreizen durch Wissenschaftsmanagement. ZiF-Konferenz "Anreiz, Kosten und Erkenntnisqualität: Wissenschaftsökonomie im Spannungsfeld von Ressourcenknappheit und epistemischer Ambition", Bielefeld, Germany, November 16-18

Haurand M.D., Stummer C. (2017) Why it may not pay to play dirty: An agent-based simulation of negative campaigning. Meeting of the GOR-Working Group "Simulation and Optimization of Complex Systems", Vienna, Austria, October 13

Günther M., Stummer C. (2017) Prediction is difficult, especially about the future: A multi-method decision support approach for planning innovations for future markets. Meeting of the GOR-Working Group "Simulation and Optimization of Complex Systems", Vienna, Austria, October 13

Haurand M.D., Stummer C. (2017) The effect of negative campaigning on the emergence of dominant designs: An agent-based simulation approach. Social Simulation Conference 2017, Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 25-29

Stücken M., Backs S., Lüpke L., Jahnke H., Stummer C. (2017) An agent-based simulation for analyzing supply chain strategies in the apparel industry. International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2017), Berlin, Germany, Sept. 6-8

Günther M., Lüpke L., Stummer C. (2017) Cross-over between scenario analysis and agent-based market simulation for technology planning. Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), Portland, USA, July 7-13

Kaldewei M., Stummer C. (2017) How adoption and diffusion of a smart product may be affected by referring to customer empowerment activities or the status as a start-up company. ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Los Angeles, USA, June 7-10

Backs S., Günther M., Stummer C. (2017) Fostering academic patenting: An agent-based simulation for pre-estimating the effectiveness of TTO measures. Economic, Technological and Societal Impacts of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Augsburg, Germany, March 15-17

Stummer C. (2016) Agentenbasierte Simulation der Marktdiffusion einer Innovation. Treffpunkt AMMO, FH Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany, Dec. 15

Klat W., Stummer C., Decker R. (2016) From web analytics to product analytics: The internet of things as a new data source for enterprise information systems. International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems (CONFENIS 2016), Vienna, Austria, Dec. 13-14

Haurand M.D., Stummer C. (2016) Humans versus vampires: An agent-based simulation of the emergence of dominant designs. Meeting of the GOR-Working Group "Simulation and Optimization of Complex Systems", Berlin, Germany, October 6

Haurand M.D., Stummer C. (2016) Sales at stake: What innovation management can learn from the world of vampires. Social Simulation Conference 2016, Rome, Italy, Sept. 19-23

Günther M., Stummer C. (2016) Simulating the diffusion of competing technology generations: An agent-based model and its application to the consumer computer market in Germany. International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2016), Hamburg, Germany, Aug. 30 - Sept. 2

Stummer C. (2016) Enriching scenario analysis with market simulations in the domain of smart products: Lessons learnt from an ongoing research project and promising directions for further research. OPIM Research Seminar, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, May 20

Günther M., Backs S., Stummer C. (2016) How to stimulate academic patenting at universities: A social simulation approach. INCHER-Conference on Academic Entrepreneurship and Knowledge and Technology Transfer, Kassel, Germany, April 11-12

Stummer C. (2015) Markterfolg von intelligenten Produkten: Die Kombination von Szenario-Analyse und Marktsimulation als eine Möglichkeit zur Entscheidungsunterstützung. iTIME-Expertentreffen "Wirtschaftliche Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung und Vermarktung intelligenter Produkte", Bielefeld, Germany, Nov. 6

Stummer C., Lüpke L., Günther M. (2015) Intelligente Produkte, Zukunftsszenarien und Agenten: Eine Marktsimulation zur Entscheidungsunterstützung bei der strategischen Technologieplanung. Symposium für Vorausschau und Technologieplanung (SVT), Berlin, Germany, Oct. 29-30

Stummer C., Lüpke L., Backs S., Günther M. (2015) Enriching scenario analysis with agent-based simulations for planning the prospective market introduction of a smart product. International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2015), Vienna, Austria, Sept. 1-4

Günther M., Stummer C. (2015) Multi-generation technology diffusion: Lessons learned from an agent-based simulation using real-world data. European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXVII), Glasgow, UK, July 12-15

Meißner M., Haurand M.D., Stummer C. (2015) Is customer empowerment always better? An investigation of differences between high- and low-status technology brands. ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Baltimore, USA, June 18-20

Stummer C., Lüpke L., Backs S., Günther M. (2015) Simulating the market introduction of a smart product: An agent-based approach. Joint International Meeting of the Canadian Operational Research Society and the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (CORS/INFORMS 2015), Montreal, Canada, June 14-17

Günther M., Stummer C. (2015) An agent-based simulation of the diffusion of multiple computer generations in Germany. Joint International Meeting of the Canadian Operational Research Society and the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (CORS/INFORMS 2015), Montreal, Canada, June 14-17

Backs S., Günther M., Stummer C. (2015) Academic patenting meets agent-based simulation: Provisional results and research perspectives. Conference of the European Forum for Studies of Policies and Innovation (EU-SPRI 2015), Helsinki, Finland, June 10-12

Grill B., Ekelhart A., Kiesling E., Stummer C., Strauss C. (2015) Multi-objective evolutionary optimization of computation-intensive simulations: The case of security control selection. 11th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2015), Agadir, Marocco, June 7-10

Meißner M., Haurand M.D., Stummer C. (2015) Does empowering consumers backfire in the context of technology brands like Nokia? European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Leuven, Belgium, May 26-29

Stummer C., Lüpke L., Backs S. (2014) An agent-based simulation of the diffusion of intelligent technical systems in future markets. Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2014), Barcelona, Spain, July 13-18

Günther M., Stummer C. (2014) An agent-based simulation of new product adoption for multiple technology generations. Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2014), Barcelona, Spain, July 13-18

Klat W., Gerholz K.-H., Stummer C. (2014) From simulation games to smart learning systems. 45th International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA) Conference, Dornbirn, Austria, July 7-11

Ekelhart A., Grill B., Kiesling E., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2014) Komplexe Systeme, heterogene Angreifer und vielfältige Abwehrmechanismen: Simulationsbasierte Entscheidungsunterstützung im IT-Sicherheitsmanagement. GI-Meeting Sicherheit 2014, Vienna, Austria, March 19-21

Stummer C., Backs S., Günther M. (2014) Akademische Patente aus ökonomischer Sicht: Stand der Forschung und weiterführende Vorhaben. I2SOS Kolloquium, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany, Jan. 28

Kiesling E., Ekelhart A., Grill B., Stummer C., Strauss C. (2014) Evolving secure information systems through attack simulation. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-47), Big Island, USA, Jan. 6-9

Kiesling E., Ekelhart A., Grill B., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2013) Simulation-based optimization of information security controls: An adversary-centric approach. Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2013), Washington, USA, Dec. 8-11

Stummer C., Günther M., Kiesling E., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2013) An agent-based simulation of innovation adoption and market diffusion of a de-commoditized convenience product. Invited Talk, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany, Nov. 13

Kiesling E., Ekelhart A., Grill B., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2013) A simulation-optimization approach for information security risk management. International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2013), Rotterdam, Netherlands, Sept. 3-6

Günther M., Stummer C. (2013) The influence of norms on the multigeneration diffusion of technological innovations. EURO-INFORMS European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXVI), Rome, Italy, July 1-4

Kiesling E., Ekelhart A., Grill B., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2013) Multi-objective decision support for IT security control selection. EURO-INFORMS European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXVI), Rome, Italy, July 1-4

Kiesling E., Ekelhart A., Grill B., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2013) Simulation-based optimization of IT security controls: Initial experiences with metaheuristic solution procedures. 14th Workshop of the EURO Working Group on Metaheuristics (EU/ME), Hamburg, Germany, Feb. 28 - Mar. 1

Stummer C., Günther M., Kiesling E., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2012) An agent-based simulation of new product adoption and subsequent purchases. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA, Oct. 14-17

Stummer C., Kiesling E. (2012) Simulating innovation adoption behavior: Lessons learned for modelers and programmers. 24th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium (EMSS-2012), Vienna, Austria, Sept. 19-21

Günther M., Stummer C. (2012) A business simulation game in innovation management education: Lessons learnt. International Annual Conference of the German OR Society (OR 2012), Hannover, Germany, Sept. 4-7

Kiesling E., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2012) A multi-objective decision support framework for simulation-based security control selection. 7th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2012), Prague, Czech Republic, Aug. 20-24

Stummer C., Kiesling E., Günther M., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2012) De-commoditization of a convenience product: An agent-based simulation of its market diffusion. European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXV), Vilnius, Lithuania, July 8-11

Stummer C., Kiesling E., Günther M., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2012) Eine agentenbasierte Simulation der Marktausbreitung eines neuen Bio-Synthesekraftstoffes. Meeting of the GOR-Working Group "Simulation and Optimization of Complex Systems", Munich, Germany, Feb. 23-24

Stummer C., Kiesling E., Günther M., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2011) An agent-based simulation of diffusion processes of frequently purchased consumer products. International Conference on Operations Research, Zurich, Switzerland, Aug. 30 - Sept. 2

Wakolbinger L.M., Stummer C. (2010) How do marketing activities influence multi-channel choice? An agent-based approach. Invited Talk, Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, Aug. 13

Kiesling E., Günther M., Stummer C., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2010) Spatial social networks in an agent-based model of new product diffusion. European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXIV), Lisbon, Portugal, July 11-14

Stummer C., Kiesling E., Gettinger J., Vetschera R. (2010) Using interactive heatmaps and parallel coordinate plots to support multi-criteria portfolio selections. European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXIV), Lisbon, Portugal, July 11-14

Günther M., Stummer C. (2010) Intra-firm knowledge diffusion and the emergence of innovations: An agent-based simulation approach. European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXIV), Lisbon, Portugal, July 11-14

Vetschera R., Gettinger J., Kiesling E., Stummer C. (2010) Visualization methods for multi-criteria portfolio selection: An empirical study. IFIP WG 8.3 International Conference on Decision Support Systems (DSS 2010), Lisbon, Portugal, July 7-10

Wakolbinger L.M., Stummer C. (2010) How do marketing activities influence multi-channel choice? An agent-based approach. ALIO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 6-9

Wakolbinger L.M., Stummer C. (2010) An agent-based simulation of multi-channel choice behavior across the purchasing process. European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1-4

Kiesling E., Günther M., Stummer C., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2010) A spatial simulation model for the diffusion of a novel biofuel on the Austrian market. 24th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS 2010). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 1-4

Günther M., Kiesling E., Stummer C. (2010) Game-based learning in technology management education. International Engineering Education Conference (IEEE EDUCON 2010), Madrid, Spain, April 14-16

Kiesling E., Brandl B., Günther M., Stummer C., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2010) Planning the market introduction of a novel biomass fuel on the Austrian market: Lessons from an agent-based simulation. International Workshop on Agent-based Simulation of Diffusion Processes, Vienna, Austria, April 8-9

Wakolbinger L.M., Stummer C. (2010) An agent-based simulation of consumer channel choice behavior. International Workshop on Agent-based Simulation of Diffusion Processes, Vienna, Austria, April 8-9

Kiesling E., Günther M., Stummer C., Wakolbinger L.M. (2009) An agent-based simulation model for the market diffusion of a second generation biofuel. Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2009), Austin, USA, Dec. 13-16

Günther M., Kiesling E., Stummer C., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2009) Modeling the diffusion process of a second generation biofuel: An agent-based simulation approach. Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) Winter Meeting 2009, Windsor, Canada, Dec. 5-7

Strauss C., Stummer C., Bauer C., Trieb A. (2009) A networked ubiquitous computing environment for damage prevention: A decision support framework for the insurance sector. International Workshop on Design, Optimization and Management of Heterogeneous Networked Systems (DOM-HetNetS´09), Vienna, Austria, Sept. 22-25

Günther M., Kiesling E., Stummer C., Wakolbinger L.M. (2009) Targeting, timing, and pricing: Simulating the effects of marketing activities on the adoption of a novel biomass fuel. European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXIII), Bonn, Germany, July 5-8

Günther M., Heidenberger K., Stummer C. (2009) An innovation-oriented view on intra-firm knowledge diffusion. CORS-INFORMS International Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 14-17

Wakolbinger L.M., Katzensteiner S., Stummer C. (2009) Agent-based modeling of multi-channel choice behavior across the phases of the purchasing process. CORS-INFORMS International Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 14-17

Stummer C., Fürnsinn S., Günther M., Kiesling E., Wakolbinger L.M. (2009) An agent-based simulation of the impact of marketing activities on the adoption of a biomass fuel. CORS-INFORMS International Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 14-17

Kiesling E., Günther M., Stummer C., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2009) Modeling social interaction in an agent-based simulation of new product diffusion. CORS-INFORMS International Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 14-17

Neubauer T., Pichler J., Stummer C. (2008) A case study on the multicriteria selection of software components. IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC 2008), Yilan, Taiwan, Dec. 9-12

Wakolbinger L.M., Stummer C., Günther M. (2008) An agent-based computer simulation of new product diffusion. IFORS Conference, Sandton, South Africa, July 13-18

Kiesling E., Günther M., Stummer C. (2008) A business gaming simulation in innovation and technology management. IFORS Conference, Sandton, South Africa, July 13-18

Stummer C., Kiesling E., Gutjahr W.J. (2007) Interactive decision support for competence-driven project selection in a research center. INFORMS International Meeting, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, July 8-11

Günther M., Stummer C. (2007) Knowledge diffusion dynamics in an intra-firm social network and implications for R&D management. INFORMS International Meeting, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, July 8-11

Reiter P., Gutjahr W.J., Katzensteiner S., Stummer C. (2007) Multi-objective stochastic project portfolio selection using metaheuristics. 7th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC), Montreal, Canada, June 25-29

Neubauer T., Stummer C. (2007) Extending business process management to determine efficient IT investments. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2007), Seoul, Korea, March 11-15

Neubauer T., Stummer C. (2007) Interaktive Entscheidungsunterstützung für die Auswahl von Software-Komponenten bei mehrfachen Zielsetzungen. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2007), Karlsruhe, Germany, Feb. 28 - March 2

Neubauer T., Stummer C. (2007) Interactive decision support for multiobjective COTS selection. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-40), Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, Jan. 3-6

Günther M., Kiesling E., Stummer C. (2006) Konzeption, Entwicklung und Einsatz eines Unternehmensplanspieles im Innovations- und Technologiemanagement. Interactive Computer Aided Learning (ICL), Villach, Austria, Sept. 27-29

Stummer C., Günther M., Gutjahr W.J. (2006) Multiobjective metaheuristic solution procedures for R&D project selection under uncertainty. European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXI), Reykjavik, Iceland, July 2-5

Günther M., Stummer C., Heidenberger K. (2006) An agent-based simulation of intra-firm knowledge diffusion and its impact on innovativeness. European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXI), Reykjavik, Iceland, July 2-5

Gutjahr W.J., Stummer C. (2006) Zur Dynamik der Kompetenzentwicklung im Rahmen der F&E-Projektportfolioauswahl. Meeting of the GOR-Working Group "Project Management and Scheduling", Vienna, Austria, June 9

Stummer C. (2006) Interaktive F&E-Projektportfolioauswahl bei mehrfachen Zielsetzungen. Meeting of the GOR-Working Group "Project Management and Scheduling", Vienna, Austria, June 9

Neubauer T., Stummer C., Weippl E. (2006) Workshop-based multiobjective security safeguard selection. First International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES'06), Vienna, Austria, April 20-22

Stummer C. (2005) Interaktive Forschungsportfolioauswahl zur Steuerung der Kompetenzentwicklung. Invited Talk, Electronic Commerce Competence Center, Vienna, Austria, Nov. 7

Stummer C., Denk M., Gutjahr W.J. (2005) Zur Steuerung der Kompetenzentwicklung durch die F&E-Projektauswahl. International Annual Conference of the German OR Society (OR 2005), Bremen, Germany, Sept. 7-9

Stummer C. (2005) Zum Einsatz von Meta-Heuristiken bei der F&E-Investitionsprogrammplanung. International Annual Conference of the German OR Society (OR 2005), Bremen, Germany, Sept. 7-9

Stummer C., Sun M. (2005) A Tabu Search heuristic for R&D project portfolio selection. 6th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC), Vienna, Austria, Aug. 22-26

Pla-Santamaria D., Stummer C., Günther M., Ballestero E. (2004) Compromise-utility approach to portfolio selection: A case from an opportunity set on three European Exchanges. Mini-EURO Conference on Managing Uncertainty in Decision Support Models (MUDSM) 2004, Coimbra, Portugal, Sept. 22-24

Stummer C., Dörner K., Hartl R.F., Gutjahr W.J., Strauss C. (2004) Multiobjective activity crashing using nature-inspired metaheuristics. Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) International Conference 2004, Whistler, Canada, Aug. 6-11

Stummer C., Sun M. (2004) Multiobjective meta-heuristics in capital investment planning: Tabu Search versus Ant Colony Optimization. Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) International Conference 2004, Whistler, Canada, Aug. 6-11

Stummer C., Dörner K., Hartl R.F., Gutjahr W.J., Strauss C. (2004) Ant Colony Optimization in multiobjective activity crashing. CORS/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Banff, Canada, May 16-19

Stummer C., Dörner K., Focke A., Heidenberger K. (2004) Multiobjective decision support for locating and sizing medical departments in a hospital network. CORS/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Banff, Canada, May 16-19

Stummer C. (2004) Ant Colony Optimization in multiobjective capital investment planning. Invited Talk, Dept. of Banking and Finance, University of Georgia, Athens, USA, May 24

Vetschera R., Dörner K., Stummer C. (2003) Multiobjective group decision making in R&D portfolio selection, EURO/INFORMS Joint International Meeting. Istanbul, Turkey, July 6-10

Stummer C. (2003) Ant Colony Optimization zur Portfolioauswahl bei mehrfachen Zielsetzungen. Invited Talk, Working Group "Optimization" at the University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany, Feb. 6

Stummer C., Dörner K., Gutjahr W.J., Hartl R.F., Strauss C. (2002) Ant Colony Optimization in der Investitionsprogrammplanung. Meeting of the GOR-Working Group "Decision Theory and Practice", Hohenheim, Germany, March 21-23

Stummer C., Vetschera R. (2002) Distributed decision-making in R&D portfolio selection. Multicriteria Decision-Making (MCDM) World Conference 2002, Semmering, Austria, Feb. 18-22

Stummer C., Dörner K., Gutjahr W.J., Hartl R.F., Strauss C. (2001) Investitionsentscheidungen bei mehrfachen Zielsetzungen und künstliche Ameisen. International Annual Conference of the German OR Society (OR 2001), Duisburg, Germany, Sept. 3-5

Stummer C., Heidenberger K. (2001) Interactive R&D portfolio selection considering multiple objectives, project interdependencies, and time: A three-phase approach. Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET '01), Portland, July 29 - Aug. 2

Dörner K., Gutjahr W.J., Hartl R.F., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2001) Ant Colony Optimization in multiobjective portfolio selection. 4th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC), Porto, Portugal, July 16-20

Stummer C. (2000) A two-phase approach to group decision making in R&D project selection. INFORMS-KORMS 2000 International Conference, Seoul, Korea, June 18-21

Stummer C. (2000) Faire Gruppenentscheidungen bei mehrfachen Zielsetzungen: Ein Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem zur Investitionsprogrammplanung. Meeting of the GOR-Working Group "Decision Theory and Practice", Seeheim, Germany, March 16-18

Stummer C., Focke A. (2000) Investitionsprogrammplanung im Krankenhaus: Ein interaktives System zur Entscheidungsunterstützung bei mehrfachen Zielsetzungen. Meeting of the GOR-Working Group "Operations Research in Health Care", Wiesbaden, Germany, March 24

Stummer C., Schillinger A. (1999) A simulation model of R&D budgeting strategies. INFORMS Spring 1999 Meeting, Cincinnati, USA, May 1-5

Stummer C. (1999) Ein interaktives Entscheidungsunterstützendes System zur Portfolioauswahl bei mehrfachen Zielsetzungen. Meeting of the GOR-Working Group "Decision Theory and Practice", Chemnitz, Germany, March 3-5

Stummer C., Heidenberger K. (1998) Model-based decision support for the selection of interdependent R&D projects: A multiperiod multicriteria approach. INFORMS Fall 1998 Meeting, Seattle, USA, Oct. 25-28

Backs S., Jahnke H., Lüpke L., Stücken M., Stummer C. (2020) Supply chain strategies of the apparel industry in research: A literature review. Research Paper, available at the Social Science Research Network (SSRN)

Kaldewei M., Stummer C. (2018) How customer empowerment and start-up image of a company affect adoption of a smart, radically new product, WP 2018-01, Chair of Innovation and Technology Management, Bielefeld University

Kaldewei M., Stummer C. (2016) Der Einfluss der Produktintelligenz auf den Nutzen und die Nutzung von Konsumgütern: Eine Replikationsstudie zu Park/Lee (2014), WP 2016-01, Chair of Innovation and Technology Management, Bielefeld University

Backs S., Stummer C. (2014) Vorgehenskonzept zur Ableitung von Parametern einer agenten-basierten Simulation aus den Szenarien ITS 2020, WP 2014-01, Chair of Innovation and Technology Management, Bielefeld University

Stummer C., Günther M., Backs S. (2013) A survey on academic patents at Austrian universities: Methodology and initial results, WP 2013-01, Chair of Innovation and Technology Management, Bielefeld University

Stummer C. (2006) Die F&E-Projektauswahl bei mehrfachen Zielsetzungen, Dept. of Business Administration, University of Vienna

Ehrendorfer W., Faffelberger M., Klöpfer T., Muthsam H.L., Stummer C., Thiede A. (1995) Innovation im Industrieunternehmen, Dept. of Business Administration, University of Vienna

Interview (2016) Marktfähig?, BI.research - Forschungsmagazin der Universität Bielefeld, 46.2016/2017, 32-33

Interview für Radio-Clip (2016) Anlässlich der EU-Innovations-Rankingliste: Die Bedeutung von Innovationen für Unternehmen in Europa, Euranet Plus, 08.2016

Interview (2015) "Gemeinsam von der Idee zum Produkt", H1: Das Magazin der Universität Bielefeld, 01.2015, 14

Interview (2012) "Wie können Kleinunternehmer ein neues Produkt erfolgreich in den Markt einführen?", impulse: Das Magazin für Unternehmer, 12 (3), 71

Booklet (2010) Extended Abstracts from the International Workshop on Agent-based Simulation of Diffusion Processes, University of Vienna

Stummer C., Günther M., Köck A.M. (2006) ABWL: Innovations- und Technologiemanagement. 6. Aufl., WUV, Vienna

Interview (2005) Forschung hilft Misserfolge vermeiden, Der Standard, 5. Dezember, 10

Stummer C., Heidenberger K. (2001) Ein interaktives Verfahren zur Projektauswahl im betrieblichen F&E-Management. In: Broschüre zu 10 Jahre BetriebsWirtschaftsZentrum der Universität Wien, University of Vienna, 31

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