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  • Statistics and Data Analysis Group

    © Sina Mews

Statistics and Data Analysis Group

Group photo: Julia, Carlina, Marius, Rouven, Sina, Roland, Carlina

Statistics is surely one of the most underrated scientific disciplines, surrounded by clichés of nerds staring at Excel tables, boring number crunching and manipulation via the media – all of which are true! But the importance of statistics in the data age is undeniable, and ask any of us about a career in statistics and you'll see us go into rhapsodies over how much fun it can be to do statistical detective work aiming to extract information from complex data.

In our research, we work on the development of generally applicable statistical methods but also the analysis of exciting real data, the latter usually from the fields of ecology, economics, medicine or sports. For more detailed information about our work, we invite you to explore the individual group members' web pages, as our research interests are quite diverse.

P-spline fit to scatterplot

The best thing about being a statistician is that you get to play in everyone's backyard.

John Tukey
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