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  • Medizinische Fakul­tät OWL

    Grafik vom Gebäude R.1 der Medizinischen Fakultät OWL
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Stand: Au­gust 2023

Aus­ge­wähl­te Ver­öf­fent­li­chun­gen

Thévenod, F., Schrei­ber, T., Lee, W.K. (2022)
Renal hypoxia-​HIF-PHD-EPO si­gna­ling in tran­si­ti­on metal ne­phro­to­xi­ci­ty: friend or foe? Arch To­xi­col (2022).


Lee, W.K., Maass, M., Quach, A., Po­scic, N., Pran­gley, H., Pal­lot, E.C., Kim, J.L., Pier­ce, J.S., Og­ret­men, B., Fu­ter­man, A.H., Thévenod, F. (2021) De­pen­dence of ABCB1 trans­por­ter ex­pres­si­on and func­tion on dis­tinct sphin­go­li­pids ge­ne­ra­ted by cera­mi­de synthases-​2 and -6 in che­mo­re­sistant renal can­cer. J. Biol. Chem. 298: 101492.


Lee, W.K., Thévenod, F. (2020) Cell or­ga­nel­les as tar­gets of mam­ma­li­an cad­mi­um to­xi­ci­ty. Arch. To­xi­col. 94: 1017-​1049.


Lee, W.K., Thévenod, F. (2019) On­co­ge­nic PITX2 Fa­ci­li­ta­tes Tumor Cell Drug Re­sis­tance by In­ver­se Re­gu­la­ti­on of hOCT3/SLC22A3 and ABC Drug Trans­por­ters in Colon and Kid­ney Can­cers. Can­cer Lett. 449: 237-​251.


Lee, W.K., Ko­les­nick, R.N. (2017) Sphin­go­li­pid Ab­nor­ma­li­ties in Can­cer Mul­tidrug Re­sis­tance: Chi­cken or Egg? Cell. Si­gnal. 38: 134-​145.


Lee, W.K., Probst, S., Santoyo-​Sanchez, M.P., Al-​Hamdani, W., Die­bels, I, von Si­vers, J.K., Kerek, E., Pren­ner, E.J., Thévenod, F. (2017) In­iti­al au­to­pha­gic pro­tec­tion swit­ches to dis­rup­ti­on of au­to­pha­gic flux by lys­o­so­mal in­sta­bi­li­ty du­ring cad­mi­um stress ac­cru­al in renal NRK-​52E cells. Arch. To­xi­col. 91: 3225-​3245. equal­ly con­tri­bu­ting authors


Nair, A.R., Lee, W.K., Smeets, K., Swen­nen, Q., Sanchez, A., Thévenod, F., Cuy­pers, A. (2015) Glutathio­ne and mi­to­chon­dria de­ter­mi­ne acute de­fen­se re­spon­ses and ad­ap­ti­ve pro­ces­ses in cadmium-​induced oxi­da­ti­ve stress and to­xi­ci­ty of the kid­ney. Arch. To­xi­col. 89: 2273-​89. equal­ly con­tri­bu­ting authors


Dah­do­uh, F., Raane, M., Thévenod, F., Lee, W.K. (2014) Nickel-​induced cell death and sur­vi­val pa­thways in cul­tu­red renal pro­xi­mal tu­bu­le cells: Roles of re­ac­ti­ve oxy­gen spe­ci­es, cera­mi­de and ABCB1. Arch. To­xi­col. 88: 881-​92.


Lee, W.K., Cha­kra­b­or­ty, P.K., Thévenod, F. (2013) Pi­tui­ta­ry ho­me­obox 2 (PITX2) pro­tects renal can­cer cell lines against do­xo­ru­bicin to­xi­ci­ty by tran­scrip­tio­nal ac­ti­va­ti­on of the mul­tidrug trans­por­ter ABCB1. Int. J. Can­cer 133: 556-​67.


Lan­ge­lu­ed­de­cke, C., Rous­sa, E., Fen­ton, R.A., Wolff, N.A., Lee, W.K., Thévenod, F. (2012) Lipocalin-​2 (24p3/Neu­tro­phil Gelatinase-​associated Li­po­ca­lin (NGAL)) re­cep­tor is ex­pres­sed in di­stal ne­phron and me­dia­tes pro­te­in en­do­cy­to­sis. J. Biol. Chem. 287: 159-​169.


Lee, W.K., Cha­kra­b­or­ty, P.K., Rous­sa, E., Wolff, N.A., Thévenod, F. (2012) ERK1/2-​dependent bestrophin-​3 ex­pres­si­on pre­vents ER-​stress-induced cell death of kid­ney pro­xi­mal tu­bu­le cells by re­du­cing CHOP. Bio­chim. Bio­phys. Acta – Mol. Cell Res. 1823: 1864-​1876.


Lee, W.K., Tor­chal­ski, B., Ko­hi­sta­ni, N., Thévenod, F. (2011) ABCB1 pro­tects kid­ney pro­xi­mal tu­bu­le cells against cadmium-​induced apo­pto­sis: Roles of cad­mi­um trans­port and cera­mi­de me­ta­bo­lism. To­xi­col. Sci. 121: 343-​56.


Lee, W.K., Tor­chal­ski, B., Thévenod, F. (2007) Cadmium-​induced cera­mi­de for­ma­ti­on trig­gers calpain-​dependent apo­pto­sis in cul­tu­red kid­ney pro­xi­mal tu­bu­le cells. Am. J. Phy­si­ol. Cell Phy­si­ol. 293: C839-​47.


Lee, W.K., Abo­u­ha­med, M., Thévenod, F. (2006) Caspase-​dependent and –in­de­pen­dent pa­thways for cadmium-​induced apo­pto­sis in cul­tu­red kid­ney pro­xi­mal tu­bu­le cells. Am. J. Phy­si­ol. Renal Phy­si­ol. 291: F823-​32.


Lee, W.K., Bork, U., Ghol­am­re­za­ei, F., Thévenod, F. (2005) Cd2+-​induced cy­to­ch­ro­me c re­lease in apo­pto­tic pro­xi­mal tu­bu­le cells: role of mi­to­chon­dri­al per­mea­bi­li­ty tran­si­ti­on pore and Ca2+ uni­por­ter. Am. J. Phy­si­ol. Renal Phy­si­ol. 288: F27-​39.


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